Manual | TouchMonitor TMR7 Smart
Before You Begin | Introduction
Simple and fl exible
The graphical user interface used in the TouchMonitor range is con-
trolled simply by using your fi nger or a mouse. Instruments can be
scaled, randomly positioned and combined in almost every way for
optimized use of available screen space. Even multiple instruments of
the same type, assigned to different input channels and confi gurations,
can be displayed simultaneously. A context-sensitive, on-screen help
feature and the intuitive operatable menu system supports the user,
allowing him to make setup changes with ease.
Audio I/O interface
TMR7-Radio‘s resp. TMR7-Mount‘s hardware and software are per-
fectly adjusted to radio-broadcast requirements and easily integrates
into any studio environments. The four audio inputs provided by the two
AES3 XLR ports are fl exibly confi gurable for mono, stereo, or multi-
channel sources, providing separate instruments for each source. So
TMR7 allows parallel monitoring of the on-air signal and a PFL source.
Integrated Software
With the integrated software package, TMR7-Radio and TMR7-
Mount are fully equipped and ready for use. The comprehensive set
of frequently used instruments provides all relevant loudness and
audio metering tools to meet the demands.
Many display functions are available to choose from: loudness meters
compliant to all relevant loudness standards including Loudness Sum,
numerical displays, Loudness Range, and Loudness Chart, Audio
Vectorscope, Real-Time Analyzer (RTA), Stereo Correlator, and Moving
Coil instruments.