Air is Continuously Firing Into the Filter
Check the white tubing between the pilot port on the pulse valve and the solenoid. Sometimes these tubes
can come loose during shipping, or over time develop a leak which allows the compressed air to escape the
system. If the air is leaking out of the pilot port on the pulse valve, then the pulse valve will allow air to fire into
the cartridge filter. To test this theory, turn off the compressed air and then plug the pilot port on the pulse valve
that’s leaking and then turn the compressed air back on. If the pulse valve no longer fires air into the cartridge
filter, then there is either a leak in the white tubing, or the solenoid that controls the valve has failed and is
allowing air to pass through it at all times. If the valve continues to fire air into the cartridge filter even when the
pilot port is plugged, then the diaphragm in the pulse valve has failed and will need to be replaced.