4.1 Control Panel with VFD Drive
The following contains a description of the LPB, RPB, RPC and EZ Pass Thru
Powder Booth Control Panel.
Control Panel (Nema 12) Enclosure with Definitions
1. Turn power on at Main Disconnect (Blue power light will be illuminated).
2. Turn Lights on using green light on button.
3. Turn fan on using green fan on button.
4. Turn Filter Pulse Control switch to on position. This will pulse filter cartridges in a pre-determined sequence.
5. Check Magnehelic Gauge to assure booth is running within proper parameters. Low end at .25” of water
column, high end not to exceed 3.5” water column. If the reading exceeds 3.5” of water column adjust pulse timer
down from a 2 minute interval to a 1 minute interval.
6. Filter alarm light only indicates a pressure drop which indicates a filter missing or a hole in the cartridge filter.
7. Adjust Variable Frequency Drive to assure a minimum of 100 FPM lineal face velocity in booth openings.
Control Panel (Nema 12) Enclosure Interior with Definitions