30 ADAM CS Installation Manual
On=closed; Off=open
Default Setting
On=closed; Off=open
CSedit / ADAMedit baud rate select
Off: 9600 baud
On: 38.4 Kbaud
Keypanel Incoming message option
Off: Normal operation
On: All callers display in Incoming Messages window
Keypanel "in-use" and "busy" flash
Off: Enable
On: Disable
Trunk master baud rate select.
Off: 38.4K baud
On: 9600 baud
Not used (set to off)
Not used (set to off)
Primary / secondary card frame select. (ADAM systems
only. Must be left in On position for ADAM CS)
Off: Secondary frame
On: Primary frame
Test on/off
Off: Normal operation
On: Test mode
1. Always set the DIP switches the same on both the main and backup controller cards.
2 Make sure that the rate set here matches the rate set in CSedit or ADAMedit. 9600 baud
permits a longer PC cable, but uploads and downloads will be slower. Alternatively, 38.4
kbaud will provide faster uploads and downloads, but the PC cable should be kept to a
length less than 10 ft (3m), and some older PC's may not operate reliably at this speed.
3. Normally, when a call is received by a keypanel, the keypanel checks for a talk key
assigned to the caller. If there is a talk key assigned, the display above that key will
flash. If no key is assigned, the caller's name will appear in the Incoming Messages
window. Some intercom systems may have many keypanels that do not have
alpha-numeric talk key displays. In this case, it may be preferable to have all caller's
names appear in the Incoming Messages window.
4. The in-use flash is indicated by a slow and continuous flashing display above a talk key.
The in-use flash is provided for IFB's, ISO's and trunk lines. The in-use flash occurs, for
example, on all keypanels that have keys assigned to a particular IFB when that IFB is
in-use by any keypanel. The displays for those keys will continue to flash until the IFB is
no longer in-use. Any user could activate their talk key to talk to the IFB while the display
is flashing, but they may interrupt a conversation that is in progress.
. The busy flash is indicated by a display that alternates between the normal key
assignment and a double asterisk (**) when the talk key is pressed. A "busy" flash
occurs when a keypanel tries to talk to an IFB or trunk line that is currently in-use by
another keypanel that has a higher IFB or trunking priority. When a busy flash is
indicated, the user cannot talk to the destination assigned to the talk key.
. While some people may find the in-use and busy indications helpful, the option to
disable them is provided because some may object to the alternating display.
5. 38.4K baud is the normal data rate for communication with a local trunk master. 9600
baud may be selected when the intercom system is connected to a remote trunk master
over some form of long-distance connection (modems, partial T1, etc.). However, expect
large response delays when using 9600 baud. If this is not acceptable, other methods of
connection using additional equipment may be required.
Table 1. ADAM CS Master Controller Card DIP Switch Settings (S1)