supply, and repair or replace it as soon as possible to
assure continued backup protection in the event of another
power supply failure.
The power supply alarm will also sound if a power supply
is not turned on. This is normal. Either turn on the power
supply, or set the ALARM OVERRIDE switch.
Computer Connection
Connect from J900 on the ADAM CS Frame to COM1 or
COM2 of the configuration PC (the default for the ADA-
Medit or CSedit software is COM1). Interconnect cable
wiring is shown in Figure
, page
Software Installation
Now that the ADAM CS frame is operating and the con-
figuration computer is connected, you are ready to install
the ADAMedit or CSedit software and check that the
computer can communicate with the intercom system. If
you are using CSedit for DOS-based configuration of the
intercom system, refer to Section 1 of the CSedit User
Manual for information on installation and startup. If you
are using ADAMedit for windows-based configuration of
the intercom system, insert the ADAMedit installation
disk in the computer’s floppy drive and run setup.exe.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you are running CSedit, most of the procedures to con-
figure the intercom system are located in Section 2 of the
CSedit User Manual. For ADAMedit, you can get on-line
help after starting the software. When the keypanel setup
screen appears (the default startup screen) press the F1
key to start help, then select “Help Contents”. When the
“Contents” screen appears, select “General Procedure to
Configure the Intercom System”.
Whichever configuration software you use, once it is
installed, you can begin connecting intercom stations and
other devices to the intercom system as described in the
following paragraphs.
Intercom Port Connections
General Information
Each intercom port uses two wires for audio input, two
wires for audio output, and two wires for data. Depending
on the type of device being connected, some pairs of
wires may not be used.
The audio input and output wires typically provide the
talk and listen connections for an intercom station, but
other types of audio devices could also be connected. For
example, a program source could be connected to the
audio input wires, and in this case the audio output wires
would not be used.
The data wires are used to send and receive control infor-
mation between the connected device and the Master
Controller in the ADAM CS frame. The data wires are
only used by keypanels, by the TIF-951 Telephone Inter-
face, and by the CDP-950 Camera Delegate Panel. The
type of data transmitted includes key pressed information
and display information. For example, when a key is
pressed on a keypanel, this information is sent on the data
wires to the ADAM CS frame. The Master Controller in
the ADAM CS frame then routes the audio to the proper
destination as defined in the intercom system’s configura-
tion program. The Master Controller also sends data to the
device being called; for example, to display the caller's
name at a keypanel, or to activate a telephone line at a
TIF-951 Telephone Interface etc.
Logical Keypanel Address Numbers
Even though there are separate data pins for each inter-
com port, these pins do not actually represent a unique
data port. Rather, groups of intercom ports share a com-
mon data port. In an ADAM CS intercom system, data
groups consist of 8 intercom ports, and each Audio
Input/Output Card represents 1 data group. To distinguish
between data devices connected to the same data group, a
logical keypanel address number is assigned to each
device at the time of connection. The relationship
between intercom port numbers, Audio I/O card numbers
and logical keypanel address numbers is shown in Table
, page
. Specific information about setting logical key-
panel address numbers is discussed in the installation
notes on the following pages.
General Procedure for Connecting Devices
to Intercom Ports
The following is a suggested method for connecting
devices to intercom ports:
Make a copy of the appropriate planning worksheet.
For ADAM CS frames that use RJ-11 or DE9 back
panels, use Table
, page
. For ADAM CS frames
that use a 50-pin telco back panel, use Table
, page
For each device that will be connected, fill in a row
in the worksheet:
Briefly note the device type (keypanel, TIF-951,
program source, CDP-950 etc.). Other useful
information might include the device location and
usage, as well as any labeling on the intercom
ADAM CS Installation Manual 9