Real Time Automation, Inc.
460 Gateway Device Line
DeviceNet Slave Settings
Now that the device is on the network, you will configure the device settings. As a reminder, you will
need to know the mode, baud rate, parity, data and stop bit settings of your device in order to complete
device configuration.
1) If you would like to change the device description, on the main page, in the Description row, click
. Otherwise, skip to step 4.
2) Type the desired description into the text box.
3) Click
4) In the Selected Communication Modules row, click
5) In the DeviceNet Master row, click
6) Enter the device’s corresponding Mac ID.
7) Enter the number of Bytes for Input Instance 100
8) Enter the number of Bytes for Output Instance 112
9) Select the port type to use. (Port 0: T-strip)
10) Select the corresponding baud rate. (125K, 250K, 500K)
11) Click
12) Click
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