62.50 cm
Escavation work
Concrete slab
Begin to evacuate the land inside the circle,
62.50 cm deep according to the highest point.
Once complete, check the level of the ground
and put inside the welded metal mesh E300.
The recommendations for partially or totally
underground pools are valid for an
installation on a dry field, without humidity.
The adaptation of these instructions
has to be done according to the kind of
soil or to the high level of water inside
the field (source, water flow, etc) It’s
highly recommended to place a drainage
system under or around the pool to avoid
every kind of water stagnation which can
damage the concrete work and cause the
appearance of spots on the liner.
Put de welded metal mesh on the soil and make
a concrete slab (350 kg) with 10 cm of thickness
on all the pool’s area. The slab must be smooth,
without irregularities and completely leveled.
The concrete dosage is easily obtained by
the 1-2-3 rule: To fill the concrete-mixer, put
1 bucket of cement, 2 buckets of sand and 3
buckets of gravel. The quantity of water to add
to the moisture depends on the humidity of the
aggregates. Anyway, the concrete texture has
to be unctuous.
To obtain 1 m3 of concrete, you have to mix 350
kg of cement, 680 kg of sand and 1175 kg of
The pool has to be built on a concrete leveled slab (only 1 cm is tolerated between the highest and
the lowest point of the area of implantation).