Alpha 710ML User’s Guide
Others Set Up
Zero Skip
Specifies to print items with a zero total on all reports or to skip items that
have a zero total.
Specifies to allow reprinting a second copy of the Z report. If you set this
option to “single”, then you cannot recover or print another copy of the
Z-Report after it is generated. If the printer runs out of paper or jams,
there is no way to re-print the Z-report or to recover that information.
Allowing a second copy lets you install a new roll of paper or correct a jam
or some other problem and then reprint the same Z-report one time for a
second copy. Additional copies are not allowed.
Specifies if the Electronic Journal and certain Reports are automatically
printed in Compressed print or in regular print. The selections are:
• compressed print for Electronic Journal and Reports,
• compressed print for Electronic Journal and regular print for reports,
• regular print for Electronic Journal and all reports.
Compressed print is slightly smaller, but saves on paper, especially on
longer reports such as PLU Sales and Electronic Journal.
Machine Number
Sets a machine number. For more information, see Setting the Machine
Number on page 31.
Daily Z Counter
You can program the starting number for the Daily Z1Report Counter
number. If you were using a different cash register before this one and
wanted to carry that numbering sequence and start with a specific number
on this cash register, set that number here.
Periodic Z Counter
You can program the starting number for the Periodic Z2 Report Counter
number. If you were using a different cash register before this one and
wanted to carry that numbering sequence and start with a specific number
on this cash register, set that number here.