WiFly Serial Adapter
wifly-serial-um 6/30/2010
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
~ 14 ~
Command Summary
All configuration information is stored in flash memory. The “set” commands modify only the RAM copy
of the configuration. Using the “save” command stores the configuration into flash memory. The WiFly
only reads the configuration from flash when powering up or after a reboot.
The following is listing of the mode frequently use WiFly Serial adapter commands. For a complete listing
of command refer to the WiFly GSX module user manual.
COMM Parameters
set comm close <string>
sets the ASCI string that is sent to the local UART when the TCP port is
closed. If no string is desired, use 0 as the <string> parameter. Max string
length is 32 characters. Default is *CLOS*
set comm open <string>
sets the string that is sent to the local UART when the TCP port is opened.
If no string is desired, use 0 as the <string> parameter. Max string length
is 32 characters. Default is *OPEN*
set comm remote <string>
sets the string that is sent to the remote TCP client when the TCP port is
opened. If no string is desired, use 0 as the <string> parameter. Max string
length is 32 characters. Default is *HELLO*
IP Parameters
set ip address <addr>
sets the IP address of the WiFly GSX module. If DHCP is turned on, the
IP address is assigned and overwritten during association with the access
point. IP addresses are “.” delimited.
Example: “set ip a”
set ip dchp <value>
enable/disable DHCP mode. If enabled, the IP address, gateway, netmask,
and DNS server are requested and set upon association with access point.
Any current IP values are overwritten.
DHCP Cache mode can reduce the time it takes the module to wake from
deep sleep thus saving power. In cache mode, the lease time is checked
and if not expired the module uses the previous IP settings. If the lease
has expired the module will attempt to associated and use DHCP to get the
IP settings.