WiFly Serial Adapter
wifly-serial-um 6/30/2010
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
~ 12 ~
Device Configuration
The WiFly Serial adapter can be thought of as a data pipe. Any data read or written into the serial interface
appears on the TCP/IP socket and vice versa. Configuration is accomplished over the same data pipe. You
enter command mode with the three character escape sequence, $$$. While in configuration mode all
characters sent over the data pipe are interpreted by the WiFly Serial adapter as command. The “exit”
command returns the device to data transfer mode.
The WiFly module can be configured both locally through the Serial connection with a terminal emulator or
remotely over the air via a Telnet connection. Serial configuration is the simplest in that you do not have to
set adhoc mode and associate with the network.
NOTE: We suggest using TeraTerm. It has both a terminal emulator and Telnet capability. This is available
for download from the Roving Networks website.
Local configuration over the serial port
Connect the WiFly Serial Adapter to the serial port your computer. You may need a null-modem cable
(DB9 pins 2 and 3 swapped) if you have a RN-370M or a straight cable if you have a RN-370F. If your
computer does not have a serial port you can use a USB serial cable such as the RN-USB-SERIAL to
connect the WiFly Serial Adapter to your computer.
The RN-374 will require a RS422 to RS232 converter or RS422 to USB cable to connect the WiFly Serial
Adapter to your computer.
With the WiFly Serial Adapter connected and powered on, locate using the device manager which
COM port the serial interface or serial USB is connected to.
Next open up a terminal emulation program specifying the COM port found in the previous step. If
using TeraTerm, select
and choose the COM
from the pull down list.
Note: the default serial port setting is 9600, 8 bit, no parity.
From within the terminal window, put the WiFly GSX module into command mode by typing
the terminal window. You should get
back confirming you are in command mode.
Remote connection over the air via a Telnet
First you must create an adhoc network and join the network from your computer. Once the computer is on
the same network you can open the telnet connection to the module. Use ping to see if the Wifly serial
adapter can be seen on the network from the computer.