rn-131-um.pdf 5/14/2009
Phone 408-395-6539
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SET Commands
These commands begin with “set”. There are 6 major categories.
- communication and data transfer, timers, matching characters
- DNS host and domain
- FTP host address and login information
- IP settings
- system settings such as sleep and wake timers
- timer server settings
- serial port settings such as baudrate and parity
wireless interface settings, such as ssid, chan, and security options
COMM Parameters
set comm close <string>
sets the ASCI string that is sent to the local UART when the TCP
port is closed. If no string is desired, use the command with no
<string> parameter. Max string length is 32 characters.
set comm open <string>
sets the string that is sent to the local UART when the TCP port is
opened. If no string is desired, use the command with no
<string> parameter. Max string length is 32 characters.
set comm remote <string>
sets the string that is sent to the remote TCP client when the TCP
port is opened. If no string is desired, use the command with no
<string> parameter. Max string length is 32 characters.
set comm idle <secs>
sets the Idle Timer Value. This is the number of seconds with no
transmit or
receive data before the connection is closed
automatically. Default is 0, never disconnect on idle.
set comm match <value>
sets matching character initiate forwarding data across the TCP/IP
connection. The value is entered as the decimal value of the of
the ASCII character. Default is 0, disabled. For more information
see section 8.5
set comm size <value>
sets the Flush Size value. This is the number of bytes to receive
on the UART before forwarding,
0 or 1 forwards immediately. .
Default is 16 bytes. Maximum value = 1024 bytes
set comm time <num>
sets the Flush Timer. This is the number of 10 millisecond
intervals after a byte is
received before the data is sent over
TCP/IP, 1 is the minimum value. Default is 2 (20 milliseconds)