7. risks and costs for transport to rOVEr Laboratories S.p.A. must be sustained by the buyer.
After repair, if the equipment is under guarantee, rOVEr Laboratories S.p.A. will pay for the
transport returning the goods to the customer. If the instrument is not under guarantee,
after repair, the equipment will be returned by courier service with the amount to be paid
by the customer shown on the invoice.
8. The guarantee does not cover compensation for direct or indirect damages of any kind to
people or goods caused by the use of the equipment and/or compensation caused by
the suspension of use due to eventual repairs.
9. rOVEr Laboratories. S.p.A. is not responsible for eventual tampering and/or modifications
that may cause the goods to no longer adhere to the European “CE” regulations,
especially regarding EMC and safety.
10. rOVEr Laboratories instruments is recognised and is fully compliant with DVb regulations
and specifications (ETS 300 421–12/94) and is consequently marked with the DVb logo.
dISPoSAl of eleCtronIC eQuIPMent
Disposal of electric/electronic equipment (applicable in all CEE countries and whereever
separate waste collection system is applied).
This symbol on the packaging indicates that the product should not be considered as
domestic waste. The product, at the moment of disposal, should be brought to a waste
collection point with the proper facilities to manage electrical/electronic
Electric/electronical appliances, if not disposed of correctly, may have
negative consequences on your health and enivironment.
furthermore, a proper recycling procedure helps mantaining natural
for more information about the correct disposal of this product, please refer
to your local waste management offices or the shop where this product was
fAult IdentIfICAtIon forM (rMA)
roVer inSTruMenTS SerVice DepArTMenT • Fax: +39.030.9906894
[email protected] • Subje
FAulT identification Form
pleASe Fill in All AreAS. cuSToMer inForMATion:
• Date .................................. Company: ............................................................................................................
• name and surname of the holder
: .............................................................................................................
• Company address
: .....................................................................................................................................
: .......................................................................................................................ZIP code
: ....................
• Address delivery/pickup, a subsidiary of
: ...................................................................................................
: .......................................................................................................................ZIP code
: ....................
: ..............................................................................................................................................................
• Tax code
: .....................................................................................................................................................
• Telephone: ......................................................................................................................................................
• E-mail
: ...........................................................................................................................................................
• reference person: ..........................................................................................................................................
• bank support
: ...............................................................................................................................................
• IbAn code
: ....................................................................................................................................................
* Fields noT required for official roVer dealers (required for any end customer).
n.B. please enter the TAX coDe even if it the same as your VAT number. in the case of sole proprietorship,
please communicate the name and surname of the owner.
MeTer inForMATion:
• Meter Model: ...................................................................................................................................................
• Purchase date: ................................................................................................................................................
• Copy and invoice number (if under warranty): .............................................................................................
• bought from:....................................................................................................................................................
• Software Version (Sw): ......................................................................................................................
• Hardware Version (Hw): ....................................................................................................................
• Serial number (S.nO): .....................................................................................................................................
the information relevant to: model, serial number, firmware/hardware version are shown on the first
display after you switch on (start up), or on the meter’s information display in the configuration menu. if the
meter does not switch on, you can find the meter’s serial number on the label placed on the back of the
detAIled and ACCurAte deSCrIPtIon of fAult:
Please describe and attach the fault, especially if OCCASIOnAL, or if it occurs OnLy under certain conditions:
for example “cool instrument” or “warm instrument”, after no. minutes of operation, etc.
we suggest you provide photographs of the damaged parts or attach a movie that shows the problem on the display.
If descriptions of the fault are incomplete and we are unable to reproduce the fault in our laboratories, we may have to
resend you the instrument unrepaired.
(*) add lines if more space is needed for your description.
TiMinG oF repAirS: The applicable repair times are 10 working days (barring unforeseen circumstances).
wArrAnTY repAirS: repairs are guaranteed for 3 months on the same intervention.
Do noT SenD roVer Your inSTruMenT
unTil You HAVe reQueSTeD AnD receiVeD our “rMA” AnD BAr coDe,
wiTH SHipMenT inSTrucTionS, oTHerwiSe THe inSTruMenT
will Be reJecTeD on ArriVAl AT roVer.
To receive information regarding the status of your authorization, write to: [email protected] quoting your “rMA” number
Содержание MASTERSAT Evo
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