This device contains a built-in Li-PO (Lithium polimer) battery that can be recharged many times.
The battery contains chemicals that might wear with time even if not used. Please dispose of batteries
Do not take the battery pack apart or expose it to extreme temperatures (over 50°C). If the device has
been exposed to very low or high temperatures let it rest at room temperature before use.
The battery must be recharged at room temperature (about 20°C) with the device turned off.
To avoid premature failure of the battery never leave the device with an empty battery for prolonged
recHArGeABle BATTerY __________________
recHArGinG THe BATTerY ________________
• AlwAYS Turn THe inSTruMenT oFF BeFore connecTinG THe BATTerY cHArGer;
• Do noT leAVe THe BATTerieS DiScHArGeD For lonG perioDS;
• AlwAYS cHArGe THe BATTerieS AT niGHT For AT leAST 7 HourS, eVen iF THeY Are noT
coMpleTelY DiScHArGeD.
uSeFul inForMATion:
1. The batteries supplied are high quality and tested individually, the autonomy depending on
the following conditions:
• the Lnb power consumption: Single, Dual or Quadruple;
• the external temperature: with temperatures of less than 10°C, 20% of the capacity is lost;
• the age of the batteries: a 10% loss in effi ciency each year;
• remember that the TIMEr Off function, that automatically turns off the Meter after
5 o 10 minutes of inactivity saves up to 30%.
2. The battery indicator has a tolerance ( like all battery powered electronic devices ) according
to the following factors:
• the battery’s charging percentage;
• external temperatures;
• battery wear and tear;
• +/– 2%
iconS SHowinG THe BATTerY cHArGe STATuS:
lI-Ion PolIMer BAtterIeS
The battery autonomy is up to 4 hours maximum.
Содержание MASTERSAT Evo
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