Accessory Kit
There is an accessory kit included with all configurations of Roughneck V910. The table below lists the
Description Quantity
Tamperproof driver bit, ¼ hex T-15 (to remove
tamperproof screws)
Pipe sealant tape (to seal pipe fitting to housing)
Lug (for grounding)
Screws (for some appropriate installations)
Vent plug (for outdoor installations)
Terminal block, 2-pin (24 VAC power)
Terminal block, 3-pin (twisted-pair model only)
Tool for set screw roll adjustment
Video focus adjustment cable (fiber version only)
Lens focusing tool
O-ring (spares for trim ring screws)
Mounting the Unit
Select a location for the installation of the V910 camera. Be sure the area around the selected location is
clear of obstacles (such as steel beams, headers, pipes, electrical wiring, etc.) which would interfere with the
mounting of the camera and that the location can support the weight of the unit [the V910 unit weighs 4 lb
(1.8 kg)]. Video and power cables must be routed to the installation location.
The V910 mounts directly to a ceiling or wall. The base has four mounting holes, and two cable access holes
are provided. As a mounting alternative, the mounting holes align with a standard 4 x 4 electrical box, and the
unit may be mounted to that. Refer to Figure 2. To mount the V910, follow the steps below.
Caution: Do not attach these units to drywall surfaces and do not install mounting screws into the end
grain of wood.
1. Loosen the four captive screws securing the cover to the base with the special tool supplied in the
accessory kit. The cover remains attached to the base by a safety cord. Allow the cover to hang.
2. Using the base as a template, mark the location of the four mounting holes [0.203 in. (5.2 mm) diameter].
See Figure 2. It is necessary to loosen the screws securing the heater/bracket assembly and rotate it
clockwise to access the mounting holes.
Figure 2
XX137-60-00 Rev 109 Roughneck V910 Dome Cameras with WDR