Model # Serial #
Date of delivery Invoice #
Town State Zip
Town State Zip
Street Country
Retail Customer
Dealer Acct. #
Customer’s Signature:
Dealer’s Signature:
Inspected by:
Tractor make:
Model: ; HP
Type of operation: Schools Maintenance,
Landscaper, Commercial Maintenance, Golf
Course, Municipality, Turf Farm, Others:
Approximate number of acres the machine will
be used on annually:
I hereby acknowledge that:
I have received and accepted delivery of the
machine described.
The equipment was checked thoroughly for
loose or missing parts and has been adjusted
in accordance with the Pre-Delivery Checklist.
I have read and understand the nature and
extent of the warranty and understand clearly
that there were and are no other
representations of warranties either expressed
or implied, made by anyone. I have been
advised on proper operation, maintenance and
lubrication procedure of this equipment.
I have been instructed on and do understand
the application, limitation and capacities this
equipment was designed and recommended
for, all as described in the Operator’s Manual
and literature published by Rotomec.
Pre-Delivery Checklist:
Oil in gearbox.
Greased fittings.
Safety guards in place.
All hardware tight.
Bolts torqued correctly.
Attached unit to tractor. Yes/No.
Field adjusted. Yes/No.
Test run. Dry/Infield.
Safety decals.
Operator’s Manual.
The machine described above, has been
prepared for delivery according to the
Pre-Delivery Check List and the Customer has
been instructed in its care and operation and
the condition of warranty.
This registration along with a copy of the invoice must be sent to Rotomec spa
within 14 days of date of purchase.