6 Connection diagram
The following diagrams are non-binding application examples.
These are only intended to provide guidance for customers and do not represent customer-specific solutions.
Proper operation is the responsibility of the customer.
The customer is obligated to ensure safe installation, use, maintenance and operation. The customer is furthermore
obligated to ensure that the equipment is only installed by a qualified electrician; failure to do so may result in a risk of
fire or risk of electric shock.
Compliance with the applicable standards and provisions must be ensured at all times; the installation company of
the system bears full responsibility for this.
The system may not be operated if compliance with the applicable standards and provisions cannot be ensured.
No guarantee is given for the application examples provided. Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH shall
assume no liability for damage caused by use of the application examples, unless we are obligated to bear liability in
accordance with legal provisions in cases of wilful intent.
Installation and maintenance work may only be carried out by a company specialising in electrical
systems. There is a risk of death when using a mains voltage of 230 V (or 115 V). Only carry out work
when the power supply is disconnected.
The following basic circuits are used as examples.
Connection diagram
Subject to change.
Roto Safe E Eneo C | CC | CF
05 / 2020
· 57