During operation the
has an
operating range of -30°C at the freeze clamps and
m a x . + 7 0 ° C i n s i d e t h e c a s e . T h e m e t a l p a r t s o f
the freeze clamps reach a temperature of approx.
- 3 0 ° C d u r i n g t h e f re e z i n g p ro c e s s . To p re v e n t
frost-bite, the freeze clamps may only be hand-
led using suitable thermally insulated gloves. The
h e a t t r a n s f e r c o m p o u n d i s e n v i ro n m e n t a l l y f r i -
endly and can be re-used or disposed of as nor-
m a l w a s t e . E n s u re t h a t n o c o m p o n e n t s o r v e r y
s m a l l p a r t s a r e l y i n g o n t o p o f t h e
ventilation grille to prevent the appli-
a n c e o v e r h e a t i n g o r a n y f o re i g n b o d i e s g e t t i n g
into the appliance.
The ventilation grille should be cleaned when it is
If refrigerant should escape from the closed ref-
rigerant circuit of the
, keep
it away from hot surfaces or fire.
Formation of dangerous fumes. Danger
of poisoning!
When disposing of the
, plea-
se ensure that the R404a refrigerant is removed
separately by a specialist firm.
Keep these operating instructions together with
the safety information in a safe place, and ensu-
re that personnel have read and understood them
before they use the
First aid measures
I f t h e c l o s e d re f r i g e r a n t c i rc u i t i s d a m a g e d a n d
refrigerant escapes, please note the following:
After inhaling
P ro v i d e t h e v i c t i m w i t h f re s h a i r a n d a q u i e t
place. If breathing has stopped or is irregular,
c a r r y o u t a r t i f i c i a l r e s p i r a t i o n . S e n d f o r a
After contact with the eyes
Bath eyes with plenty of lukewarm water and
consult a doctor.
After swallowing
Send for a doctor immediately.
Information for doctor:
Do not administer drugs of the ephedrine/adrena-
line group.
Placing in operation
4.1 Transport and storage
The cryogenic hoses, the freeze clamps and the
reduction inserts can be conveniently stored in
the portable case for transport and storage.
should only be stored
in a dry place.
Transport and store the freezing appliance only
in an upright position. If it should tip over, stand
upright for a while before use.
4.2 Installing and setting-up
Switch off the central heating or pump in due time
to stop the water circulation.
Then set up the
in such a way that the appliance’s ventilator motor
does not blow on the pipes which are to be fro-
zen, as these must be protected from draughts.
The built-in ventilator draws in air, which is requi-
red for the liquefaction of the refrigerant as well
as for cooling the compressor, at the long side of
the appliance and forces this out again at the top.
C a u t i o n :
a l w a y s l e a v e t h e c o v e r o p e n e d a n d
ensure that the ventilation grille is not obstruc-
ted during the freezing process, as the air must
be able to circulate freely.
is a „contact freezing
appliance“, i.e. the appliance only works reliab-
ly, when there is a good heat conducting contact
between the freeze clamps and the pipes which
are to be frozen. Paint and contaminants in the
area of attachment of the tongs extend the free-
z i n g t i m e s ; i d e a l l y, t h e p i p e w h i c h i s t o b e f ro -
zen should be clean down to bare metal.
Furthermore, care should be taken that the fre-
eze clamps are only attached to a straight run of
pipework. Badly deformed or out-of-round pipes
are not suitable for freezing.