Roth DWT Installation Manual
Lubricating & Hydraulic Oil Storage and Dispensing
Section 4 - General Installation Instructions
Site Selection
The Roth EcoDWT plus 3 must be installed indoors for this application.
The following standards must be met:
(Always check local building and fire codes for specific requirements in your location.)
1. Level surface
- The Roth EcoDWT plus 3 is an upright tank having a higher center of
gravity than a standard single wall tank. This design allows a smaller footprint than a typical
single wall tank. The result is also a taller tank profile, requiring the tank to be installed so
that it is plumb to within a ½ inch of vertical, as checked on both an end and a side. If the
tank is not plumb the proper alignment of piping connections will prove difficult, especially
with the use of expansion kits for multiple tank setups. The accuracy of the fuel gauge and
the correct operation of the vent whistle will also be affected. If the tank is more than ½ inch
out of plumb, the surface must be leveled with an appropriate leveling compound or the
product warranty is void.
2. Weight bearing capacity
- Since #2 fuel oil weighs 7.2 lbs/gallon, a model 1000L (275
gal.) tank will hold approximately 1730 lbs when full, which brings the total weight of the
tank to about 1900 lbs or just short of a ton. Since the model 1000L has a footprint of 8.3
, this means the load bearing surface is carrying about 227 lbs/ft
. NFPA 31-7.3 and CSA
B-139-09: 7.3.8 have specific requirements for oil tank foundations that must be followed.
The base for the Roth DWT requires full contact support under each of the tubular legs to
produce a properly stable installation. Use of masonry blocks such as pavers, sidewalk
blocks, and cement wall blocks will not provide sufficient support and will void the warranty.
3. Minimum clearance
- A minimum of 2 inches of clearance is needed between the Roth
EcoDWT plus 3 and any wall, post, or other permanently installed structural member,
support, or barrier. When the tank is filled with oil, its sides could expand horizontally as
much as 2 inches, so the clearance is required to prevent contact between, and undue
pressure being applied to, either the tank side or the structure next to it. This distance also
allows for inspection of the tank sides. CSA B139-09: 7.3.5 states that a minimum clearance
of 460 mm (18 in) be made along one side and one end for service accessability. The tank
dimensional tables give the minimum height needed for installation, but it is recommended
that there be a minimum clearance over a tank of 2 feet to permit removal and reinstallation
of the single use leak detector, if necessary.
4. Proper drainage
- Although the Roth EcoDWT plus 3 outer tank and base are made from
galvanized steel with a minimum expected life span of 30 years with normal use, prolonged
exposure to water and water-borne salts and/or acids can significantly reduce that life span.
It is very important that the tank installation site has good drainage, and that the surface the
tank rests on is dry for the majority of the time. Any water from wash areas or water softener
units must be directed away from where the tank is located.