Rotadent ProCare — Instructions for Use
Brushing Technique
Rotadent ProCare™ requires a tooth-by-tooth brushing technique. The 360-degree rotation may
cause the brush head to slip off of the teeth during use, particularly when first getting used to this
technique. To help correct this, stabilize the handle with a firm grip.
Next, follow the margins of the gum line to ensure proper cleaning of all surfaces, as described below:
• Hold your Rotadent ProCare so the brush head meets
your gum line and the tooth surface at a 90-degree angle.
• To thoroughly clean upper teeth, make “M” motions
to massage the gumline.
• To thoroughly clean lower teeth, make “W” motions
to massage the gumline.
• To make sure you brush evenly, divide your mouth into four
sections (or quadrants). Brush each quadrant thoroughly for
30 seconds.
Note: Tingling Sensation
Some individuals may experience a mild tingling sensation, irritation or minor bleeding when first
using Rotadent ProCare. This should stop after a few days of use.
Tips for Special Oral Care Needs
With braces, it is not always possible to hold your Rotadent ProCare at a 90 degree angle. If this is
the case, be sure to clean the wires and brackets adequately as plaque builds on those areas as
well as on teeth and gums.
Dental Restorations
The Rotadent ProCare is safe for use on dental restorations (such as veneers, crowns, implants,
fillings and bridges). Use the Rotadent ProCare as you would on all of your other normal tooth
surfaces, making sure to work the brush tip around all surfaces of your dental restorations.
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