Station 6 Preamplifier and Monitor Controller
Monitor and cue signal routing
A practical way of interchanging the monitor and cue
signals is available by two toggle switches.
In a studio set-up, the function comes in handy, when
the sound engineer wants to hear in the monitor
speakers what the artist hears in the headphones.
Or when the artist want to hear how the monitor mix
sounds in the headphones.
When pressing the Cue To Mon switch, the headphone
signal is sent to the monitor speakers. The cue signal in
the headphones is not affected. Pressing the switch
again brings back the monitor signal into the speakers.
When pressing the Mon To Cue switch, the monitor
signal is sent to the headphones. The monitor signal in
the speakers is not affected. Pressing the switch again
brings back the cue signal into the headphones.
Activating both functions at the same time will simply
swap the monitor and the cue signals.
A LED lights up when the corresponding routing
functions is activated. The NORM LED lights up when
none of the routing functions are activated.
Zero Latency Monitoring
Direct signal feed from the 2 microphone channels to the
headphones is provided. The signal are instantaneous
analog feed-forward and do not pass any switches or
digital circuitry.
The signals are mixed directly into the cue signal, and
the volume is controlled by two potentiometers at the
front. CH1FEED is sent to cue left and CH2FEED is sent
to cue right.
This means that a stereo recording from Mic1 and Mic2
can be sent directly to the headphones with zero latency.
In case only one mic channel is used, it would be quite
annoying to hear the signal only in one side of the
headphones. To get the signal in both sides, mono mode
can be selected by a toggle switch at the front.
Note that this switch do not reduce the left and right
signals to half level, like a standard mono function would
do to keep the sound impression at the same level.
Consider this switch as a standard routing function of the
signal, with no reduction of signal level. The signal goes
to one side or the signal goes to both sides.