Controller Functionality
AYC-E/Q60 Family Instruction Manual
Enter one of the following codes:
” – Rosslare PROX
” – HID Prox
” – Rosslare PROX + HID Prox (default)
Enrolling Primary and Secondary Codes
Primary codes
Primary codes can only be enrolled to an empty user slot,
meaning a slot where there is no existing primary code.
Primary codes must be unique, meaning one user’s Primary
code may not be the same as other user’s Primary code.
Primary codes cannot be the same as any system codes, such
as the Normal/Secure code or Lock Strike code.
Users who hold a Primary code can gain entry only during
Normal mode.
Secondary codes
Secondary codes can only be enrolled to user slot that already
has a Primary code enrolled but no Secondary code.
Secondary codes do not have to be unique, meaning multiple
users can all hold the same Secondary code.
Secondary codes cannot be the same as any system codes,
such as the Normal/Secure code or Lock Strike codes.
Users who hold Secondary codes can gain entry in any mode
of operation.
There are two methods to enroll Primary and Secondary codes:
Standard Method
The Standard Method is mainly used when the user slot number
for the user you wish to program is known. You can program
both Primary and Secondary codes using the Standard Method
(see Section