20-02245 REV E
When a video camera is attached to the network, it is crucial that common power
connections are made at the power supply end of the cable (see figure 1). It is highly
recommended to provide a separate pair of power conductors whenever a video
camera is connected to the network. When just pan & tilts are connected to the network,
using two conductors as power bus lines is generally sufficient because those devices
are not as susceptible to electrical noise.
When a video camera is connected to the network and common power
connections are made at the cable breakout (hardware side) instead of the power
supply end, any possible electrical noise caused by the switching circuits within devices
like a SmartLight or a pan & tilt will be displayed on the video signal. Since video circuits
are sensitive to electrical noise, all power and ground conductors must be terminated at
the power supply end. This will ensure that any electrical noise generated by a
SmartLight, pan & tilt, or other device will be routed to source ground.