Mackerel Steam-baked in Foil
Setting : Convection (1)
For 4 people: 4 big mackerels, 4 sheets of aluminium foil; 4 tablespoons of parsley or
chervil, finely chopped; 4 dabs of butter; salt; pepper.
Cooking time: 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the fish.
Light the bottom heating element 10 minutes ahead of time. Clean and gut fish. Stuff
fish with chopped herbs, a little butter, salt and pepper. Lightly butter aluminium foil.
Close foil around each mackerel so that it is completely airtight.
Set top heating element to thermostat setting 8. Put foiled fish onto bottom level of
grill. Cook with door closed; do not turn over during cooking.
Serve with a good-quality bottled cider and a warm potato salad seasoned with cream
and lemon.
Red Mullet and Vegetables
Setting: Pastry oven (2) / Grill quartz (4)
Chop lettuce. Braise in butter and spices. Stuff red mullets with chopped lettuce mix-
ture. Sew fish back up.
Coat fish with oil. Light bottom heating element of pastry oven. Dice courgettes,
aubergines, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and celery. Spread diced vegetables in
dripping pan. Baste with a little hot bouillon. Cook about 20 minutes.
Switch on roasting jack motor on quartz grill. Put red mullets at mid-height on spit.
Grill for about ten minutes at thermostat setting 10. Put fish on a serving dish; sur-
round with vegetables. Serve.
Lamb Shish Kebabs
Setting: Grill quartz (4)
For 4 people: 600 g of shoulder of lamb, cut into small cubes; 8 bacon bits; 8 slices of
Strasbourg-style sausages (or good quality hotdogs); 4 laurel leaves; ½ teaspoon of
thyme leaves; a little olive oil; salt; pepper.
Cooking time: 20 to 25 minutes (for well done).
Alternate all the ingredients on the skewers. Salt, pepper and baste with a thin stream
of olive oil. Put skewer mechanism on spit holder. Light top heating element. Cook
with door open. Baste with drippings in dripping pan from time to time.
Roast beef
Setting : Convection (1)
One roast beef, 1 to 1.5 kg
Preheat oven to thermostat setting 7.
Put roast in a baking dish. Season with garlic, parsley, a dab of butter, salt and pep-
per. Place at lowest level. Cook for approximately 1 hr. 15 min.
c) Function details of the multifunction oven TQ 380 I TurboCooKING®
Position 1 : Convection
The heat comes from the rear heating element integrated to the ventilation sys-
tem. It is uniformly distributed around the oven by the fan. It is precisely thermo-
The continuous hot air flow allows quick uniform cooking while preserving the
flavour and appearance of the food.
Several different dishes of the same kind can be cooked simultaneously.
Position 2 : Ventilated pastry oven
The bottom heating element works at full capacity on a continuous basis. It is
not thermostat-regulated. This is the ideal setting for cooking savoury or sweet
tarts and pies or bread, or to start off cooking cakes that need to rise.
The fan distributes the heat evenly.
The infrared quartz tubes on the top part can be used at the end of cooking, to
brown, glaze or crystallize or crisp.
Position 3: Turbo Quartz
The bottom and the quartz tubes on the top part function simultaneously and
are thermostat-regulated.
Ventilation provides better distribution of temperature as well as higher accura-
cy of regulation.
The Turbo Quartz® technology, enables the oven to reach a temperature of
270°C in less than 5 minutes. It increases the inside temperature of 30°C and
thus saving 30% cooking time.
The taste and nutritional qualities of the food is retained with this method of
Position 4: Grill / Roasting jack
The quartz tubes function and are thermostat-regulated. The temperature con-
trol should be turned to setting 10.
Ventilation provides better distribution of temperature as well as higher accura-
cy of regulation.
The extra-high temperature of the tubes requires cooking in open air. It is
therefore advisable to leave the door half-open.
You can use the roasting jack to roast all sorts of poultry.
When grilling the food should be placed as near as to the quartz tubes as possi-
ble without touching them.