RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
Interval (seconds):
Specify at what intervals an image is to be taken and transferred. Values are in seconds.
Enter file name:
Select this option if you wish to specify a file name. If this option has not been selected, a predefined file
name will be used when saving the images.
File name:
Enter your own file name. A sequential number is assigned to the specified name during saving of the images.
To test entries for the FTP settings, click on
. A single image is the transferred to the FT server.
Click on
to accept the changed settings. The changes to the FTP settings are saved without having to restart the
surveillance camera.
8.11. Alarm settings
Specify under which circumstances the surveillance camera should issue an alarm message and what should be done in the
event of an alarm. Select option “Alarm settings” from the bottom of the menu. Depending on the set options, the following
will be displayed:
Motion detection:
Select this option to activate motion detection.