RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
As the router is, however, protected from Internet access via so-called
a separate access must be set up for the sur-
veillance camera. This is referred to as
Port forwarding
. The following installation steps are required to set up the surveillance
camera in the home network and via the Internet:
1. The surveillance camera must be connected to the router using the supplied network cable (see section 5.1.,
2. Install the supplied software (see section5.3
Software installation
3. Set up surveillance camera automatically or manually in home network:
for Windows systems: See section 5.5.
Manual set up of surveillance camera
for Mac systems: See section 5.9.,
Installation on Mac OS X.
4. Where desired, a wireless connection can be set up between the surveillance camera and the router using WLAN (see
section 5.5.
Manual set up of surveillance camera
5. Set up a Port forwarding in the router to allow access to the surveillance camera via the Internet (see section 5.6.,
Router settings
6. Set up a fixed Internet address (see section 5.7.,
Setting up the domain name
7. Installation of Apps for Smartphones and TabletPCs (see section 5.8.,
Set up App
8. The standard set-up of the surveillance camera is described from section 5.4 onwards. Further information relating to the
use and settings are provided from chapter 7 onwards.