RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
8.9. Mail settings
In certain circumstances, the surveillance camera can send out a alarm message by email. For this purpose an email account
must be specified from which emails will be sent out. A private email address can, for instance, be used or you can set up a
separate email address for the surveillance camera.
Select option “Mail settings” from the bottom of the menu and select “Use SMTP”.
“Use SMTP“
, if an email is to be sent out in the event of an alarm. Please note that the alarm must be activated under
alarm settings.
The data required as regards the used email account will be provided by the Email provider. For your private email account you
can also find this data in email programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird.
The so-called
SMTP Server
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a post output server of an email provider. Emails are sent to this
server for forwarding.