%00 00 1x 14
0000 0aaa
Internal velocity curve
0 — 6
00 00 1x 15
0000 000a
Receive switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 00 1x 16
0000 aaaa
Receive channel
0 — 15 (1 — 16)
#00 00 1x 17
0000 aaaa
Patch number
0 — 254
0000 bbbb
00 00 1x 19
0aaa aaaa
Part level
0 — 127
00 00 1x 1A
0aaa aaaa
Part pan
0 — 127 (L64 — 63R)
00 00 1x 1B
0aaa aaaa
Part coarse tune
16 — 112 (–48 — +48)
00 00 1x 1C
0aaa aaaa
Part fine tune
14 — 114 (–50 — +50)
00 00 1x 1D
0000 000a
Reverb switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 00 1x 1E
0000 000a
Chorus switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 00 1x 1F
0000 000a
Receive program change 0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 00 1x 20
0000 000a
Receive volume
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 00 1x 21
0000 000a
Receive hold-1
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
%00 00 1x 22
0000 00aa
Output select
0 — 2 (MN, SB, PAT)
%00 00 1x 23
0000 00aa
Patch media
2 (EXP)
%00 00 1x 24
0000 000a
Sequencer switch
0 — 1 (ON, OFF)
Total Size
00 00 00 25
Note: The value of the Transmit key range upper must be greater than or equal to the Transmit key range lower.
Note: The value of the Internal key range upper must be greater than or equal to the Internal key range lower.
* 1-3 Patch
00 0s 2y dd
0s = 00H — 06H (Performance Mode Temporary patch)
08H (Patch Mode Temporary patch)
dd = Description
* 1-3-1 Patch Common
00 0s 20 00
0aaa aaaa
Patch name 1
32 — 127
00 0s 20 01
0aaa aaaa
Patch name 2
32 — 127
00 0s 20 0B
0aaa aaaa
Patch name 12
32 — 127
00 0s 20 0C
0000 000a
Velocity switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 20 0D
0000 0aaa
Reverb type
0 — 7
00 0s 20 0E
0aaa aaaa
Reverb level
0 — 127
00 0s 20 0F
0aaa aaaa
Reverb time
0 — 127
00 0s 20 10
0aaa aaaa
Delay feedback
0 — 127
00 0s 20 11
0000 00aa
Chorus type
00 0s 20 12
0aaa aaaa
Chorus level
0 — 127
00 0s 20 13
0aaa aaaa
Chorus depth
0 — 127
00 0s 20 14
0aaa aaaa
Chorus rate
0 — 127
00 0s 20 15
0aaa aaaa
Chorus feedback
0 — 127
00 0s 20 16
0000 000a
Chorus output
0 — 1 (OUTPUT, REV)
If this parameter set to “OUTPUT,” chorus signal send to “Output.”
If this parameter set to “REV,” chorus signal send to reverb.
00 0s 20 17
0aaa aaaa
Analog feel
0 — 127
00 0s 20 18
0aaa aaaa
Patch level
0 — 127
00 0s 20 19
0aaa aaaa
Patch pan
0 — 127 (L64 — 63R)
00 0s 20 1A
0aaa aaaa
Bender range down
16 — 64 (–48 — 0)
00 0s 20 1B
0000 aaaa
Bender range up
0 — 12
00 0s 20 1C
0000 000a
Key assign
0 — 1 (POLY, SOLO)
00 0s 20 1D
0000 000a
Solo legato
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 20 1E
0000 000a
Portamento switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 20 1F
0000 000a
Portamento mode
00 0s 20 20
0000 000a
Portamento type
0 — 1 (TIME, RATE)
00 0s 20 21
0aaa aaaa
Portamento time
0 — 127
Total Size
00 00 00 22
* 1-3-2 Patch Tone
y = 08H — 0BH (Patch Tone 1 — Patch Tone 4)
%00 0s 2y 00
0000 00aa
Wave group
1 (EXP)
#00 0s 2y 01
0000 aaaa
Wave number
0 — 254
0000 bbbb
(1 — 255)
00 0s 2y 03
0000 000a
Tone switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 04
0000 000a
FXM switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 05
0000 aaaa
FXM depth
0 — 15 (1 — 16)
00 0s 2y 06
0aaa aaaa
Velocity range lower
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 07
0aaa aaaa
Velocity range upper
0 — 127
(Turn “On” the Velocity switch of the Patch common parameters to make “Velocity Range” work.)
00 0s 2y 08
0000 000a
Volume switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 09
0000 000a
Hold-1 switch
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 0A
0000 aaaa
Modulation 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 0B
0aaa aaaa
Modulation 1 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 0C
0000 aaaa
Modulation 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 0D
0aaa aaaa
Modulation 2 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 0E
0000 aaaa
Modulation 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 0F
0aaa aaaa
Modulation 3 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 10
0000 aaaa
Modulation 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 11
0aaa aaaa
Modulation 4 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 12
0000 aaaa
Aftertouch 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 13
0aaa aaaa
Aftertouch 1 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 14
0000 aaaa
Aftertouch 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 15
0aaa aaaa
Aftertouch 2 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 16
0000 aaaa
Aftertouch 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 17
0aaa aaaa
Aftertouch 3 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 18
0000 aaaa
Aftertouch 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 19
0aaa aaaa
Aftertouch 4 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 1A
0000 aaaa
Expression 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 1B
0aaa aaaa
Expression 1 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 1C
0000 aaaa
Expression 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 1D
0aaa aaaa
Expression 2 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 1E
0000 aaaa
Expression 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 1F
0aaa aaaa
Expression 3 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 20
0000 aaaa
Expression 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)
00 0s 2y 21
0aaa aaaa
Expression 4 depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
(1) 0 to 12 of (1) refer to the followings
00 0s 2y 22
0000 0aaa
LFO-1 form
0 — 5 (TRI, SIN, SAW, SQR, RND1, RND2)
00 0s 2y 23
0000 0aaa
LFO-1 offset
0 — 4 (–100, -50, 0, +50, +100)
00 0s 2y 24
0000 000a
LFO-1 synchro
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 25
0aaa aaaa
LFO-1 rate
0 — 127
#00 0s 2y 26
0000 aaaa
LFO-1 delay
0 — 128
0000 bbbb
(0 — 127, KEY-OFF)
00 0s 2y 28
0000 000a
LFO-1 fade polarity
0 — 1 (IN, OUT)
00 0s 2y 29
0aaa aaaa
LFO-1 fade time
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 2A
0aaa aaaa
LFO-1 pitch depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 2B
0aaa aaaa
LFO-1 TVF depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 2C
0aaa aaaa
LFO-1 TVA depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 2D
0000 0aaa
LFO-2 form
0 — 5 (TRI, SIN, SAW, SQR, RND1, RND2)
00 0s 2y 2E
0000 0aaa
LFO-2 offset
0 — 4 (–100, -50, 0, +50, +100)
00 0s 2y 2F
0000 000a
LFO-2 synchro
0 — 1 (OFF, ON)
00 0s 2y 30
0aaa aaaa
LFO-2 rate
0 — 127
#00 0s 2y 31
0000 aaaa
LFO-2 delay
0 — 128
0000 bbbb
(0 — 127, KEY-OFF)
00 0s 2y 33
0000 000a
LFO-2 fade polarity
0 — 1 (IN, OUT)
00 0s 2y 34
0aaa aaaa
LFO-2 fade time
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 35
0aaa aaaa
LFO-2 pitch depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 36
0aaa aaaa
LFO-2 TVF depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 37
0aaa aaaa
LFO-2 TVA depth
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 38
0aaa aaaa
Pitch coarse
16 — 112 (–48 — +48)
00 0s 2y 39
0aaa aaaa
Pitch fine
14 — 114 (–50 — +50)
00 0s 2y 3A
0000 aaaa
Random pitch
0 — 15
(0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1200)
00 0s 2y 3B
0000 aaaa
Pitch key follow
0 — 15
(–100, -70, -50, -30, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100, +120, +150, +200)
00 0s 2y 3C
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV velocity sense
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 3D
0000 aaaa
P-ENV T1 velocity
0 — 14
(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)
00 0s 2y 3E
0000 aaaa
P-ENV T4 velocity
0 — 14
(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)
00 0s 2y 3F
0000 aaaa
P-ENV time key follow
0 — 14
(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)
00 0s 2y 40
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV depth
52 — 76 (–12 — +12)
00 0s 2y 41
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV time 1
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 42
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV level 1
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 43
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV time 2
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 44
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV level 2
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 45
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV time 3
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 46
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV level 3
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 47
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV time 4
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 48
0aaa aaaa
P-ENV level 4
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 49
0000 00aa
TVF mode
0 — 2 (OFF, LPF, HPF)
00 0s 2y 4A
0aaa aaaa
Cutoff frequency
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 4B
0aaa aaaa
0 — 127
00 0s 2y 4C
0000 000a
Resonance mode
0 — 1 (SOFT, HARD)
00 0s 2y 4D
0000 aaaa
TVF key follow
0 — 15
(–100, -70, -50, -30, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100, +120, +150, +200)
00 0s 2y 4E
0000 0aaa
TVF-ENV velocity curve
0 — 6 (1 — 7)
00 0s 2y 4F
0aaa aaaa
TVF-ENV velocity sense
1 — 127 (–63 — +63)
00 0s 2y 50
0000 aaaa
TVF-ENV T1 velocity
0 — 14
(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)
00 0s 2y 51
0000 aaaa
TVF-ENV T4 velocity
0 — 14
(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)