background image

%00 00 1x 14

0000 0aaa

Internal velocity curve

0 — 6

00 00 1x 15

0000 000a

Receive switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 00 1x 16

0000 aaaa

Receive channel

0 — 15 (1 — 16)

#00 00 1x 17

0000 aaaa

Patch number

0 — 254

0000 bbbb

00 00 1x 19

0aaa aaaa

Part level

0 — 127

00 00 1x 1A

0aaa aaaa

Part pan

0 — 127 (L64 — 63R)

00 00 1x 1B

0aaa aaaa

Part coarse tune

16 — 112 (–48 — +48)

00 00 1x 1C

0aaa aaaa

Part fine tune

14 — 114 (–50 — +50)

00 00 1x 1D

0000 000a

Reverb switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 00 1x 1E

0000 000a

Chorus switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 00 1x 1F

0000 000a

Receive program change 0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 00 1x 20

0000 000a

Receive volume

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 00 1x 21

0000 000a

Receive hold-1

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

%00 00 1x 22

0000 00aa

Output select

0 — 2 (MN, SB, PAT)

%00 00 1x 23

0000 00aa

Patch media

2 (EXP)

%00 00 1x 24

0000 000a

Sequencer switch

0 — 1 (ON, OFF)

Total Size

00 00 00 25

Note: The value of the Transmit key range upper must be greater than or equal to the Transmit key range lower.
Note: The value of the Internal key range upper must be greater than or equal to the Internal key range lower.

* 1-3 Patch

00 0s 2y dd
0s = 00H — 06H (Performance Mode Temporary patch)
08H (Patch Mode Temporary patch)
dd = Description

* 1-3-1 Patch Common



00 0s 20 00

0aaa aaaa

Patch name 1

32 — 127

00 0s 20 01

0aaa aaaa

Patch name 2

32 — 127

00 0s 20 0B

0aaa aaaa

Patch name 12

32 — 127

00 0s 20 0C

0000 000a

Velocity switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 20 0D

0000 0aaa

Reverb type

0 — 7


00 0s 20 0E

0aaa aaaa

Reverb level

0 — 127

00 0s 20 0F

0aaa aaaa

Reverb time

0 — 127

00 0s 20 10

0aaa aaaa

Delay feedback

0 — 127

00 0s 20 11

0000 00aa

Chorus type


00 0s 20 12

0aaa aaaa

Chorus level

0 — 127

00 0s 20 13

0aaa aaaa

Chorus depth

0 — 127

00 0s 20 14

0aaa aaaa

Chorus rate

0 — 127

00 0s 20 15

0aaa aaaa

Chorus feedback

0 — 127

00 0s 20 16

0000 000a

Chorus output

0 — 1 (OUTPUT, REV)

If this parameter set to “OUTPUT,” chorus signal send to “Output.”
If this parameter set to “REV,” chorus signal send to reverb.

00 0s 20 17

0aaa aaaa

Analog feel

0 — 127

00 0s 20 18

0aaa aaaa

Patch level

0 — 127

00 0s 20 19

0aaa aaaa

Patch pan

0 — 127 (L64 — 63R)

00 0s 20 1A

0aaa aaaa

Bender range down

16 — 64 (–48 — 0)

00 0s 20 1B

0000 aaaa

Bender range up

0 — 12

00 0s 20 1C

0000 000a

Key assign

0 — 1 (POLY, SOLO)

00 0s 20 1D

0000 000a

Solo legato

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 20 1E

0000 000a

Portamento switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 20 1F

0000 000a

Portamento mode


00 0s 20 20

0000 000a

Portamento type

0 — 1 (TIME, RATE)

00 0s 20 21

0aaa aaaa

Portamento time

0 — 127

Total Size

00 00 00 22

* 1-3-2 Patch Tone

y = 08H — 0BH (Patch Tone 1 — Patch Tone 4)



%00 0s 2y 00

0000 00aa

Wave group

1 (EXP)

#00 0s 2y 01

0000 aaaa

Wave number

0 — 254

0000 bbbb

(1 — 255)

00 0s 2y 03

0000 000a

Tone switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 04

0000 000a

FXM switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 05

0000 aaaa

FXM depth

0 — 15 (1 — 16)

00 0s 2y 06

0aaa aaaa

Velocity range lower

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 07

0aaa aaaa

Velocity range upper

0 — 127

(Turn “On” the Velocity switch of the Patch common parameters to make “Velocity Range” work.)

00 0s 2y 08

0000 000a

Volume switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 09

0000 000a

Hold-1 switch

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 0A

0000 aaaa

Modulation 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 0B

0aaa aaaa

Modulation 1 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 0C

0000 aaaa

Modulation 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 0D

0aaa aaaa

Modulation 2 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 0E

0000 aaaa

Modulation 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 0F

0aaa aaaa

Modulation 3 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 10

0000 aaaa

Modulation 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 11

0aaa aaaa

Modulation 4 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 12

0000 aaaa

Aftertouch 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 13

0aaa aaaa

Aftertouch 1 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 14

0000 aaaa

Aftertouch 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 15

0aaa aaaa

Aftertouch 2 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 16

0000 aaaa

Aftertouch 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 17

0aaa aaaa

Aftertouch 3 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 18

0000 aaaa

Aftertouch 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 19

0aaa aaaa

Aftertouch 4 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 1A

0000 aaaa

Expression 1 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 1B

0aaa aaaa

Expression 1 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 1C

0000 aaaa

Expression 2 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 1D

0aaa aaaa

Expression 2 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 1E

0000 aaaa

Expression 3 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 1F

0aaa aaaa

Expression 3 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 20

0000 aaaa

Expression 4 destination 0 — 12 (*1)

00 0s 2y 21

0aaa aaaa

Expression 4 depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

(1)  0 to 12 of (1) refer to the followings
00 0s 2y 22

0000 0aaa

LFO-1 form

0 — 5 (TRI, SIN, SAW, SQR, RND1, RND2)

00 0s 2y 23

0000 0aaa

LFO-1 offset

0 — 4 (–100, -50, 0, +50, +100)

00 0s 2y 24

0000 000a

LFO-1 synchro

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 25

0aaa aaaa

LFO-1 rate

0 — 127

#00 0s 2y 26

0000 aaaa

LFO-1 delay

0 — 128

0000 bbbb

(0 — 127, KEY-OFF)

00 0s 2y 28

0000 000a

LFO-1 fade polarity

0 — 1 (IN, OUT)

00 0s 2y 29

0aaa aaaa

LFO-1 fade time

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 2A

0aaa aaaa

LFO-1 pitch depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 2B

0aaa aaaa

LFO-1 TVF depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 2C

0aaa aaaa

LFO-1 TVA depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 2D

0000 0aaa

LFO-2 form

0 — 5 (TRI, SIN, SAW, SQR, RND1, RND2)

00 0s 2y 2E

0000 0aaa

LFO-2 offset

0 — 4 (–100, -50, 0, +50, +100)

00 0s 2y 2F

0000 000a

LFO-2 synchro

0 — 1 (OFF, ON)

00 0s 2y 30

0aaa aaaa

LFO-2 rate

0 — 127

#00 0s 2y 31

0000 aaaa

LFO-2 delay

0 — 128

0000 bbbb

(0 — 127, KEY-OFF)

00 0s 2y 33

0000 000a

LFO-2 fade polarity

0 — 1 (IN, OUT)

00 0s 2y 34

0aaa aaaa

LFO-2 fade time

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 35

0aaa aaaa

LFO-2 pitch depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 36

0aaa aaaa

LFO-2 TVF depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 37

0aaa aaaa

LFO-2 TVA depth

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 38

0aaa aaaa

Pitch coarse

16 — 112 (–48 — +48)

00 0s 2y 39

0aaa aaaa

Pitch fine

14 — 114 (–50 — +50)

00 0s 2y 3A

0000 aaaa

Random pitch

0 — 15

(0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1200)

00 0s 2y 3B

0000 aaaa

Pitch key follow

0 — 15

(–100, -70, -50, -30, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100, +120, +150, +200)

00 0s 2y 3C

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV velocity sense

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 3D

0000 aaaa

P-ENV T1 velocity

0 — 14

(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)

00 0s 2y 3E

0000 aaaa

P-ENV T4 velocity

0 — 14

(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)

00 0s 2y 3F

0000 aaaa

P-ENV time key follow

0 — 14

(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)

00 0s 2y 40

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV depth

52 — 76 (–12 — +12)

00 0s 2y 41

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV time 1

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 42

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV level 1

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 43

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV time 2

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 44

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV level 2

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 45

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV time 3

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 46

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV level 3

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 47

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV time 4

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 48

0aaa aaaa

P-ENV level 4

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 49

0000 00aa

TVF mode

0 — 2 (OFF, LPF, HPF)

00 0s 2y 4A

0aaa aaaa

Cutoff frequency

0 — 127

00 0s 2y 4B

0aaa aaaa


0 — 127

00 0s 2y 4C

0000 000a

Resonance mode

0 — 1 (SOFT, HARD)

00 0s 2y 4D

0000 aaaa

TVF key follow

0 — 15

(–100, -70, -50, -30, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100, +120, +150, +200)

00 0s 2y 4E

0000 0aaa

TVF-ENV velocity curve

0 — 6 (1 — 7)

00 0s 2y 4F

0aaa aaaa

TVF-ENV velocity sense

1 — 127 (–63 — +63)

00 0s 2y 50

0000 aaaa

TVF-ENV T1 velocity

0 — 14

(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)

00 0s 2y 51

0000 aaaa

TVF-ENV T4 velocity

0 — 14

(–100, -70, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +70, +100)



Содержание Sound Expansion Series

Страница 1: ...1995 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 NRPN 6 6 7 7 MIDI 7 7 MIDI 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 MIDI 12 MIDI 20 00785290 95 2 A4 11KG...


Страница 3: ...ut MIDI Thru Out In R L Mono R L Mono Input Output MIDI Thru Out In R L Mono R L Mono Phones Volume Min Max Power Output MIDI In Patch Value Part Monitor Enter Mute Exit Part Param1 Part Param2 Master...

Страница 4: ...2 MIDI Rx Vol Hold Prog Chg Master MIDI Rx P 9 Part Param 1 Level Pan 0 L1 L64 r1 r63 Reverb Chorus Part Param 2 Rx Ch MIDI MIDI Key Shift 12 12 1 Detune 50 50 1 2 Part Param1 Part Param2 Master MIDI...

Страница 5: ...D JV 80 JV 90 JV 1000 JV 880 ID ID ID Reverb Chorus MIDI Rx MIDI Vol Hold Prog Chg on oFF Bank Sel 0 32 0 80 81 80 0 0 0 1 10 0 10 11 0 126 oFF P 8 2 Sys Ex GS GS GM GM Mute Monitor Monitor 1 Patch Pa...

Страница 6: ...I Rx Part Param1 Part Param2 1 7 8 PF rhy Pat Enter Enter Exit MIDI Out MIDI In ID P 5 MIDI Out MIDI In ID P 5 P 5 Select F3 Enter Exit NRPN Select F4 Value on oFF on NRPN GS GM on oFF NRPN oFF Sys Ex...

Страница 7: ...attery Low MIDI Off Line MIDI In MIDI MIDI Buffer Full MIDI MIDI Checksum Error Er1 Er2 Part Param1 Part Param2 Master MIDI Rx Select F1 F2 F3 F4 Level Tune Vol Hold Rx Ch Pan DeviceID ProgChg KeyShif...

Страница 8: ...32 32 0 0 80 1 128 0 81 129 255 MIDI 0 80 1 128 81 129 256 32 0 0 1 128 MIDI 0 32 0 32 0 80 81 Bank Sel P 5 0 no Patch Value MIDI P 16 Control Channel 1 GM GS 2 1 GM GS GM GS 2 P 5 oFF PAr GM GS 2 2 1...

Страница 9: ...une 427 4Hz 452 6Hz Device ID 1 32 Reverb oFF on Chorus oFF on MIDI Rx Sw Vol Hold oFF voL hLd on Prog Chg oFF on Bank Sel oFF 0 126 Sys Ex oFF PAr on 4 3 Level P 4 0 MIDI 7 11 MIDI MIDI Master Reverb...

Страница 10: ...0H 00H 01H ID Command ID CMD 00H 00H 01H 02H 03H 00H 01H 00H 02H 00H 00H 01H BODY ID ID 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 ID A B ID ID 3 20msec 1 Request data 1 RQ1 11H 1 F0H 41H DEV MDL CMD BODY F7H ID ID ID ID...

Страница 11: ...11 1 1 1 ID 7 1 Data set 1 DT1 12H 1 1 MIDI 1 1 256 256 1 1 ID 7 A B 1 B A 1 A 1 F0H 41H DEV MDL 12H aaH ddH sum F7H ID ID ID ID MSB LSB MSB LSB A B 1 1 1 20msec A B 1 1 20msec 1...

Страница 12: ...DI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 vv 00H 7FH 0 127 1 4 OFF BnH 05H vvH n MIDI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 vv 00H 7FH 0 127 OFF BnH 07H vvH n MIDI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 vv 00H 7FH 0 127 MIDI OFF OFF OFF BnH 0AH vvH n MIDI 0H FH ch...

Страница 13: ...VF TVA mm 0EH 40H 72H 50 0 50 01H 64H mmH TVF TVA mm 0EH 40H 72H 50 0 50 01H 66H mmH TVF TVA mm 0EH 40H 72H 50 0 50 18H rrH mmH rr mm 00H 40H 7FH 64 0 63 semitone 1AH rrH mmH TVA rr mm 00H 7FH 0 1CH r...

Страница 14: ...16 1 OMNI OFF BnH 7CH 00H n MIDI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 OMNI ON BnH 7DH 00H n MIDI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 OMNI ON MONO BnH 7EH mmH n MIDI 0H FH ch 1 ch 16 mm 00H 1FH 0 16 SOLO 4 M 1 POLY BnH 7FH 00H n MIDI 0H FH...

Страница 15: ...H F7H EOX OFF 50ms 2 FEH 250msec F0H iiH ddH eeH F7H F0H ii ID 41H 65 dd ee 00H 7FH 0 127 F7H EOX End of Exclusive System common 3 3 ID xxH ID Master Device ID GS GS ID 42H 1 RQ1 11H F0H 41H ID Roland...

Страница 16: ...000a Program change 0 1 00 00 00 1D 0000 000a Bank select 0 1 00 00 00 1E 0000 aaaa Patch receive channel 0 15 1 16 00 00 00 1F 000a aaaa Patch transmit channel 0 17 00 00 00 20 000a aaaa Control cha...

Страница 17: ...assign 0 1 POLY SOLO 00 0s 20 1D 0000 000a Solo legato 0 1 OFF ON 00 0s 20 1E 0000 000a Portamento switch 0 1 OFF ON 00 0s 20 1F 0000 000a Portamento mode 0 1 LEGATO NORMAL 00 0s 20 20 0000 000a Port...

Страница 18: ...aaaa TVA ENV time 3 0 127 00 0s 2y 6E 0aaa aaaa TVA ENV level 3 0 127 00 0s 2y 6F 0aaa aaaa TVA ENV time 4 0 127 00 0s 2y 70 0aaa aaaa Dry level 0 127 00 0s 2y 71 0aaa aaaa Reverb send level 0 127 00...

Страница 19: ...47 2FH 79 4FH 111 6FH 16 10H 48 30H 80 50H 112 70H 17 11H 49 31H 81 51H 113 71H 18 12H 50 32H 82 52H 114 72H 19 13H 51 33H 83 53H 115 73H 20 14H 52 34H 84 54H 116 74H 21 15H 53 35H 85 55H 117 75H 22...

Страница 20: ...el Date Feb 22 1995 Version 1 00 MIDI 1 3 2 4 ON 1 2 MIDI ON ON OFF 0 32 1 5 6 38 7 10 11 64 65 66 67 91 93 98 99 100 101 1 0 127 1 16 1 16 0 127 0 127 M 1 123 127 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 NRPN L...

Страница 21: ...Turning On the Power 3 About the Unit s Operation Modes 3 About the Temporary Area 3 Try Listening to Sounds in the Performance Mode 3 Switching to the Performance Mode 3 Choosing a Performance 4 Cha...

Страница 22: ...ert the power cord included with the unit into this jack and plug the other end into an AC power outlet 14 MIDI In MIDI Out MIDI Thru Connectors MIDI In Receives messages from external MIDI devices MI...

Страница 23: ...atch mode works well for live stage perfor mances with a MIDI keyboard hooked up About the Temporary Area When a Performance or Patch is called up the information for its settings is stored in a tempo...

Страница 24: ...ll Parts See the Parameter Chart on page 9 for a description of each Parameter s possible range and their default values Part Param 1 Part Parameter 1 Level This adjusts the volume level for each Part...

Страница 25: ...n 10 is shown You can set this value to any number from 0 to 126 When set to oFF no Bank Select messages are received When the Patch Table set to 2 this parameter cannot be work SysEx System Exclusive...

Страница 26: ...MIDI Out connector on the sequencer to the unit s MIDI In connector Make sure that the unit s Device ID number p 5 is set to the same number that was used when the settings were save Also check to mak...

Страница 27: ...ry required for preserving parameter settings in nearly depleted Consult with the nearest Roland Service Station MIDI Off Line MIDI communications have been disrupted Consider if the cable connected t...

Страница 28: ...odify the Bank Sel parameter p 5 to change the value for Controller Number 0 that is used to switch Patches The number of Patches varies from one model to another If you specify a Bank in which a Patc...

Страница 29: ...checked that relevant Parts are not set to be muted Could you be sending an invalid Bank Select message Reverb Chorus Not Obtained Could the Master setting for Reverb or Chorus be set to oFF Are you...

Страница 30: ...dures one way transfer and handshake transfer One way transfer procedure See Section 3 for details This procedure is suited to the transfer of a small amount of data It sends out an Exclusive message...

Страница 31: ...y with such devices Roland has limited the DT1 to 256 bytes so that an excessively long message is sent out in separate segments A DT1 message is capable of providing only the valid data among those s...

Страница 32: ...erformance mode ignored when the Receive volume switch is OFF for each part This message is ignored when Volume switch of the patch tone is OFF Pan Status Second Third BnH 0AH vvH n MIDI channel numbe...

Страница 33: ...ue 40H Even among different GS devices relative change parameters may sometimes differ in the way the sound changes or in the range of change Parameters marked absolute change will be set to the absol...

Страница 34: ...n off all MIDI on notes as if it received Reset all controllers stop measuring message interval System Exclusive message status data bytes F0H iiH ddH eeH F7H F0H System exclusive ii manufacturer ID 4...

Страница 35: ...MODEL ID 46H Bytes Description F0H Exclusive status 41H Manufacturer ID Roland Dev Device ID 46H Model ID 12H Command ID DT 1 aaH Address MSB bbH Address ccH Address ddH Address LSB eeH Data ffH Data...

Страница 36: ...Part3 C 0 127 64 63 00 00 00 47 B 00 00 00 48 0aaa aaaa Scale Tune Part4 C 0 127 64 63 00 00 00 53 B 00 00 00 54 0aaa aaaa Scale Tune Part5 C 0 127 64 63 00 00 00 5F B 00 00 00 60 0aaa aaaa Scale Tune...

Страница 37: ...4 depth 1 127 63 63 00 0s 2y 12 0000 aaaa Aftertouch 1 destination 0 12 1 00 0s 2y 13 0aaa aaaa Aftertouch 1 depth 1 127 63 63 00 0s 2y 14 0000 aaaa Aftertouch 2 destination 0 12 1 00 0s 2y 15 0aaa a...

Страница 38: ...0 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1200 00 mm rr 09 0000 aaaa Bender range 0 12 00 mm rr 0A 0aaa aaaa P ENV velocity sense 1 127 63 63 00 mm rr 0B 0000 aaaa P ENV time velocity sense 0...

Страница 39: ...H 57 39H 89 59H 121 79H 26 1AH 58 3AH 90 5AH 122 7AH 27 1BH 69 3BH 91 5BH 123 7BH 28 1CH 60 3CH 92 5CH 124 7CH 29 1DH 61 3DH 93 5DH 125 7DH 30 1EH 62 3EH 94 5EH 126 7EH 31 1FH 63 3FH 95 5FH 127 7FH Th...

Страница 40: ...lusive O Control Change True Voice Key s Ch s Default Messages Altered Note ON Note OFF X X X X X X X X X Song Pos Song Sel Tune X X X Clock Commands All Sound Off Reset All Controllers Local ON OFF A...
