R&S Smart Instruments™ Family300 Basic Programming
Rohde & Schwarz
Figure 4: Adding the search path for C header files
The general settings for your Visual C++ project have now been entered.
The header files must now be integrated into those of your modules which
are intended to call the driver functions. As usual in C and C++ this is done
by using #include.
In order to declare the functions and data types, the two header files rssixx.h
and rssitypes.h must be integrated (see also 9 Which Data Type to Use).
Example: #include <rssifs.h>
#include <rssitypes.h>
Importing the DLL in runtime
DLLs are integrated during the runtime of the program. Note that in this case
every function that is going to be used must be explicitly integrated, making
this a very time-consuming method. The next section shows in principle how
to do this, using the functions of rssifs_32.dll as an example.
The function
is used to initialize an instrument. It is structured as
ViStatus _VI_FUNC rssifs_init (ViRsrc resourceName, ViBoolean IDQuery,
ViBoolean resetDevice,
ViPSession instrSession);
Information on data types can be found in file rssitypes.h.
Please note that the path to the header files must be specified in this case
also (see 3 Installing Instrument Drivers).