Putting into Operation
User Manual 1410.3531.02 ─ 07
During usage, the probe slightly heats up. Warming is normal behavior and not a
sign of malfunction.
Damage caused by electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the electronic components of the
probe and the instrument, and also the device under test (DUT). Electro-
static discharge is most likely to occur when you connect or disconnect a
DUT or test fixture to the probe and to the instrument's test ports. To pre-
vent electrostatic discharge, use a wrist strap and cord and connect your-
self to the ground, or use a conductive floor mat and heel strap combina-
tion. Discharge cables and probe tips before you connect them.
Connecting the Probe to the Oscilloscope
► Connect the probe box (1) to the Rohde
Schwarz probe interface of the
oscilloscope (2).
The probe snaps in when connected properly to the port.
Figure 2-1: Connecting the probe to the Rohde
Schwarz oscilloscope
Connecting the Probe to the Oscilloscope