Subject to change without notice
The HZ355 passive probe family sets new stan-
dards in high performance probing. The compact
design with only 2.5 mm housing diameter at
the probe tip is ideal for measurements of SMT
components. It provides a much better visibility
on the DUT (device under test) as conventional
5 mm probe housing designs.
A top feature of HAMEG Slimline Probes is the
exchangeable probe tip. The gold plated spring
contact or the rigid tip are only 0.5 mm in diameter.
The tip replacement is easy and gives the engineer
the best choice.
Particularly for HF measurements on IC´s, a short
as possible ground connection is recommendable.
Due to long ground leads most conventional
adaptations bring additional inductance and re-
sonances into the measurement which will result
in false or inaccurate readings. The innovative IC
contacting system of the HZ355 with 5 different IC
adapters from 0.5 to 1.27 mm pitch in combination
with the ground blade and IC ground copper pad
is the ideal solution for short-circuit-safe, repro-
ducible, and authentic measurements.
These great advantages and multiple accessory
parts for the new HZ355 probe series will offer
various confi guration to solve most adaptation
IC contacting system with IC adapter, ground blade
and IC ground copper pad.
The probe can be adjusted for low frequency
(LF) compensation and for high frequency (HF)
LF Compensation
(Probe Adjust 1 kHz)
LF needs to be adjusted when the probe is
connected to the scope input the fi rst time. LF
compensation matches the probes cable capa-
citance to the oscilloscope input capacitance. This
matching assures good amplitude accuracy from
DC to upper bandwidth limit frequencies. A poorly
compensated probe clearly infl uences the overall
system performance (probe + scope) and introdu-
ces measurement errors resulting in inaccurate
readings and distorted waveforms.
LF compensation is performed by connecting the
probe to the probe adjust output on the oscillos-
cope front panel and adjusting the LF compensa-
tion trimmer to optimum square wave response.
For clarifi cation see below fi gures.
LF compensation
P r o b e H Z 3 5 5