Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
Number of pulses to be measured
During the measurement, each pulse is mapped into a pixel of the screen, i.e. any
change of the trace can be detected only at the left-hand edge of the screen. Maximum
measurement speed is as usual achieved with the display switched off.
In the example below, a GSM pulse sequence of 8 pulses is measured with 5
s trigger
offset, 434
s measurement time/pulse, video trigger with 50 % trigger threshold, and
peak detection:
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub MultiBurstPower()
result$ = Space$(200)
'--------- R&S FSV default setting ----------------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg 'Configure status register
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "*RST") 'Reset instrument
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT:CONT OFF") 'Single sweep mode
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "SYST:DISP:UPD OFF")
'OFF: display off
'--------- Perform measurement and query results ---------------------
cmd$ = "MPOW? "cmd$ = cmd$ + "935.2 MHZ," 'Center frequency
cmd$ = cmd$ + "1 MHZ," 'Resolution bandwidth
cmd$ = cmd$ + "434US," 'Measurement time
cmd$ = cmd$ + "VID," 'Trigger source
cmd$ = cmd$ + "50PCT," 'Trigger threshold
cmd$ = cmd$ + "1US," 'Trigger offset
cmd$ = cmd$ + "PEAK," 'Peak detector
cmd$ = cmd$ + "8" 'Number of bursts
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, cmd$)
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$) 'Read results
Print result$
REM ************************************************************************
Fast Level Measurement Using Frequency Lists
A typical task for the R&S
ESRP is power measurement at a number of frequency
points, e.g. at multiples of the fundamental (harmonics measurement), or at frequen-
cies defined by a mobile radio standard (e.g. spectrum due to transients at ± 200 kHz,
± 400 kHz, etc about the carrier frequency of a GSM signal). In many cases, different
level and/or bandwidth settings are required for the different frequency points to match
the channel spacing and meet the requirements of dynamic range.
Especially for this application, the R&S
ESRP offers a number of remote-control func-
tions (commands available in SENSe:LIST subsystem) that allow level measurement
based on a frequency list with different instrument settings assigned to different fre-
quencies. Not only the frequency list can be programmed, but also the measurement
types (PEAK, RMS, AVG) to be performed simultaneously can be selected.
The example below describes a harmonics measurement on a dual-band amplifier.
The harmonics level in general decreases as the frequency increases. To boost mea-
Remote Control – Programming Examples