PATROL II LCD User's Manual Rev.D
Reader is capable to record up to 32.768 events together with their time stamp (date and time).
Each time the checkpoint/guard ID card is read, reader displays its name and then information
about remaining free memory. When memory is occupied in 90% reader displays warning
log almost full
accompanied with 2400/1800 Hz modulated alarm signal. To confirm this message
guard have to press ON/OFF button and then reader will continue its normal work, if not reader will
switch off and the appears again with the next working cycle.
Event log almost full
warning is a prompt for the user to transfer memory content to the
computer otherwise it may happen that in the nearest future event buffer will be completely
occupied and some events will be lost.
In case when buffer is full reader displays warning
Event log full
accompanied with the
2400/1800 Hz alert sound. To confirm this message guard have to press ON/OFF button and then
reader will continue its normal work, if not reader will switch off and the message will be displayed
again with next working cycle.
Both warnings are registered in the reader’s log. Once confirmed through ON/OFF button they are
no more registered in reader’s memory however they are recalled with every reading cycle but this
time they disappear automatically after 1s and no sound is generated at all. This repeated
messages are intended to remind the guard about existing problems.
Note: When event buffer is overload the new coming events are saved on locations already
occupied by the oldest ones thus some events are lost and event history is discontinued in some
Events can be downloaded to PC database using command:
Download events in Readers tab.
Events which are read are not automatically deleted from reader’s memory, they still exist in the
reader and can be read again. If you don’t want to keep these events in device use command:
Delete events from reader. This command protects the program from reading the same events
again however it doesn’t delete them physically from the memory – thanks to this it is possible to
read them again using special command:
Recover deleted events.
Note: Before you will read event buffer from the given reader assure the
Patrol Master has already
opened proper configuration file (the same RGT file which was used for configuration of a given
reader) otherwise events might be displayed with wrong names of guards and checkpoints.
Event types
Reader records following events:
Start of battery charging (
Start of charging
End of battery charging (
End of charging
Battery charging stopped (
Charging stopped
Warning about low battery level (
Battery week
Warning about memory being occupied in more than 90%(
Event log almost full
Warning about memory being fully occupied (
Event log full
Configuration changed (
New configuration uploaded
Date/time change (
Date/time set
Event log erasure (
Event log erased
Online mode on (
Entry to the online mode
Online mode off (
Exit from the online mode
Error in configuration settings (
Configuration error