Opel CDR 500 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание CDR 500

Страница 1: ...Radio cDR 500 OPEL o ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...evention 21 On Off Switch 21 VolumeControl 22 ToneControl 23 Radio 23 TrafficAnnouncements 25 RDS EON 26 RadioStationKeys 27 CDOperation 29 CarTelephone 30 SteeringWheelRemoteControl 31 Coding 32 General lnformation 34 1999 AdamOoelAG ...

Страница 4: ...rol no symboldenotes o o D AS automaticradiostation allocation UMLI changewaveband detachableoperatingconsole radio advance onestation CD restart reverse search key forward search key increase volume reduce volume radio CD selection mode Display Thedisplay Inthevehicle seevehicle ope ratinginstructlons isalsousedforexternal display ofInformation fromtheradio Two basic typos ofdisplays canbeinstall...

Страница 5: ...ion of the OperatingConsole on page33 Removingthe OperatingConsole Press therelease key G anddetach the operating console Refittingthe OperatingConsole Puttheoperating console backintothe recess andpress onbothsides tolock On Off Switch Ol Depressknob O to turnthe radio on or off Automatic Switch On lf the unithasbeenturnedon by depres singknob l it is turnedoffby switching offthe ignitionand remo...

Страница 6: ...back Depress retractable knobO Turntheknob Theknobretracts out Depressthe knobto returnit to retracted oosition Whenswitching on the set the radiois set to the volumelevelyou lastadjusted if this leveldid not exceedthe factoryset basic volumelevel lf the volumelevelwas higher the radiois set to it s basic level Adomatic Volume Control The volurneis regulatedin accordancewith the speed of the vehic...

Страница 7: ...oY D prcBF tho UML keyrepeatedly until the dc lradwaveband l8selected Dopreealng thekeyoncefromtheVHF waveband Very HlghFrequency willse laotthoMWwaveband Medium Wave Dcpreaalng thekeyagain willselect theLW wavcband Long Wave Depressing the IUMLIkoyagaln willswitch backtothe VHFwaveband again Thowaveband currently selected isshown onth6dlsplay U U AS M MAS or L Frcquency Displayot a VHFRadioStatio...

Страница 8: ...tation designation onthedisplay remains unchanged Activate RDS Select theVHFwaveband Depress RDS O Display RDSactivated The symbol RDS isdisplayed The searchfunctionwillnowonly reactto RDS transmitters The radiowill automatically selectthe frequencyas well as the radio stationwhich can be receivedbest RDS TP lf theradiostatlon setis nota RDStrans mitter thena MEMORY search willbecon ducted andtheV...

Страница 9: ...back is interrupted by trafficannouncements The traffic radiofunction TP can also be activatedduring CD play back In this case the designationof the radiostation lastheardis displayed for 5 seconds lf the receptionhad beenthat of a radiostation nottransmitting trafficradio thenthe stron gesttrafficradiotransmitter willbe sear ched lf traffic radiois activatedand a transmitter is selectednot transm...

Страница 10: ...fterthetrafficanno uncement hasfinished Hearing Traffic Announcements only lfyouonlywantto hearthetraffican nouncements turntraffic on Turnknob O totheleftuntilthenormal sound volu meis reduced to zero Onlythetrafficannouncements arethen heard atthepreset volume Interrupt Traffic Announcements Depress the TP keyfora shofttime inorderto interrupt thetrafficannounce_ ments forexample during CDplay_b...

Страница 11: ... depressed 1 to 6 until theradio station selected canbeheard again During thesearch theradio station isdis played which waspreviously stored and allocated tothatkey Theradio station setisthusstored and allocated tothisradio station key The memory slotselected isshown onthe display AutomaticStorageof RadioStations Selectdesired wavelength Keep AS keydepressed untilthe confirmation signal isgiven Th...

Страница 12: ... automaticstorage AS Paging Through the VHF Additional Memory TurntheRDSfunction on Depress oneofthesearch keys D or fora shodtime Thefrequencies ordesignations ofthose radio stations aregiven onthedisplay which arestored intheVHFadditional memory Update VHF Additional MemorY Keepthe IRDSI O keydepresseduntilthe confirmation signalis given The display shows MEMORY U for a shorl time fol lowedby ME...

Страница 13: ... backmode Title Selection Depress search keys D oder fora short timeanduntil thenumber forthede sired trackappears onthedisplay lfyou depress thesearch key fora shorltime thetrack justplayed willberepeated Use of Search Keep search key D oder depressed until thedesired trackontheCDhasbeen reached The displaywillshowthe numberof the trackas wellas itsdurationin minutesand seconds e g 3 02 42 A fast...

Страница 14: ... callcomesin The display will show MESSAGE In order to utilize the telephonemode the cartelephone mustbe connectedto the radioby an aut horizedOpeldealer SetTelephone VolumeLevel You canpreset thevolume level forthe telephoneand independently fromthe nor malvolumefor the radiounit Turn radiooff Keep TP key dePressedand turn the radioon again The confirmation signalwillbe given The presetvolumeleve...

Страница 15: ...searchkeysdepressedin orderto manuallytuneto a radiostation Recall Memorized Radio Station Depresskey D to selectthe desired radiostationfromthe allocatedkeysin the memory Eachdepression of the keywill advancethe selectionby one storedradio stationfromthe wavebandin currentselec tion Select CD Track Depressone of the searchkeys D or to advanceto the nexttrackon the CD lf you depressthe searchkey o...

Страница 16: ...ird attempt Following theninthunsuccessful aftempt thewaiting timehasreached to 640minutes Theunitwilllockafter thetenthunsuc cessful attempl SAFE is shown onthe display A replacement against invoice by anauthorized Opeldealer isthenneces sary Itistherefore recommended to letan authorized Opeldealer puttheunitback intooperation after thesixthunsuccessful attempt CheckCoding Thefollowing function c...

Страница 17: ...the wholenumbermust be re entered Whenthe correctcodenumberisvisible on the display depressthe AS key untilthe confirmation signalis given lf the codenumberis correct the unitwill go out of dormantmode lf the codenumberenteredis incorrect and the AS key for confirmationhas beendepressed the displaywillshow 9 SAFE afterthe waitingtime 9 The correctcodenumbercan thenonly be enteredafterallowingfor t...

Страница 18: ... afterremoval fromtheunit in orderto protect itfromdamage anddirt Protect CD sfromheatanddirect sunshine 34 Interruption of VoltageSupply The memorizeddata but not the radiosta tiondesignation willremainstoredif the batteryischanged The unitcan be elec tronically lockedby thetheftprotection Enterthe codenumberin orderto return the unitto normaloperation see Putting the UnitbackintoOperation page33...
