perform a flush as scheduled by the amount of time entered for “Flush
Interval” in the Settings data entry screen (See “Settings” section of this
manual). The Flush Interval is the number of minutes between flushes.
The Flush Duration is the total time in seconds that unit flushes. During
a flush, the inlet, autoflush, and diversion solenoid valves are open and
the high pressure RO pump and chemical pump (if applicable) are both
running. The % Salt Rejection alarm is not activated during a flush.
When the flush is complete, the pump will turn off and the inlet, flush,
and diversion valves will close. The system will repeat this cycle based
upon the time entered in the Flush Interval. (If the Flush Interval is set
for zero the system will only flush on start up.) When the system is
flushing, the amount of time remaining in the flush cycle will be
indicated on the third line of the display. When the system is idle, the
amount of time remaining until the next flush will be indicated.
tank feed mode
is intended to place the system in an operational mode
when feeding a storage tank. When in this mode the system will shut
down when the high tank level switch (not provided) has an open
contact. The system will restart when the low level switch closes or
after the High Tank Startup Delay interval if the system is not equipped
with a low level tank switch (See “Settings” section of this manual).
The flush cycle is also enabled in this mode. The controller will activate
a flush when the system starts and at intervals while the tank is full.
The Flush Interval and Duration are entered in the Settings menu (See
“Settings” section of this manual). If the Flush Interval is set for zero
the system will only flush on start up. When the system is autoflushing,
the amount of time remaining in the flush will be indicated on the third
line of the display.
direct feed mode
is intended to place the system in an operational mode
when the system is feeding a distribution loop or another piece of
equipment. In this mode the system will not flush and the tank level
switch(es) is/are disregarded. When the system is in this mode, the
total number of hours the system has been operated will be indicated
on the last line of the display.
Standby mode is selected from the Operating Mode screen (selection
“1” from the Settings screen). Tank or Direct feed operation is selected from
first setting (Index 0) from the list of settings accessed by selecting “2” from the
Settings screen.
All three modes of operation are controlled by the System Start and System
Stop keys. For example, if the system is put in
standby mode
and the System
Start key is not pressed, the RO unit will not operate the flush cycles. This is
the same for
tank feed
direct feed modes
, if the System Start key is not
pressed, the RO unit will not operate. The system automatically stops the RO
unit whenever a change between tank feed/direct feed and standby modes is
made, requiring the operator to restart the RO unit. “SYSTEM STOP” key must
be pressed prior to changing between tank feed and direct feed operation.
The AL250-V2 is equipped with the following controls and indicators.
4 x 20 LCD with LED Backlight
Eight LED Indicators for Alarms and Status
20 Tactile Keys for Control and Data Entry