Make sure the conversion factors associated to this instrument have been entered. Refer
to the calibration certificate. For changing these,
select ‘Calibration / Cal. Type / Review
Factory Calibration’ and select ‘Change factory calibration’, make the appropriate
changes and select ‘Save new factory calibration’ at the bottom of the screen.
Set the units (typically ISO), then set the date and time of the Tablet if necessary.
Go in
‘Quick Readings’ and press the green icon for reading the sensors.
Two types of calibrations can be done, one with the probe unconfined (‘Pressure Loss
Calibration’) and one with the probe confined (‘Volume Loss Calibration’). See next
section for more details.
For configuring a ca
libration, go to ‘Calibration’ and :
Select the type of calibration
Select a probe (by giving a serial number
– generally indicated on the probe itself
– and by selecting ‘Texam NL Vulcolan rings, NL steel rings A probe or slotted
’ probe)
Dive a calibration ID
Set the calibration timer
For configuring
a test, go to ‘Test’ and proceed the same way.