Publication 1747-SG001D-EN-P — January 2009
Barrel Temperature Module
This module provides four zones of Autotuned PID heat/cool temperature control.
Each input functions as the process variable (PV) for a PID loop. The PID algorithm
and tuning-assisted process (TAP) algorithm are performed on the module for each of
the loops. The control variable (CV) output of each loop, either analog or time-
proportioned output (TPO), is sent from the module to the SLC data table. Your
application logic must access the CV value in the data table and send the analog or
TPO data to an output module to close the loop. The module is compatible with SLC
5/02 and higher processors.
Barrel Temperature Module Specifications
Cat. No.
Number of Inputs
4 Backplane and Channel-to-Channel Isolated
Thermocouple Inputs
B, C, D, E, J, K, N, R, S, or T
Input Voltage
-50…50mV and -100…100mV
A/D Conversion Method
Sigma-Delta modulation
Input Filtering
Analog filter with low-pass digital filter
Normal Mode Rejection
> 50 dB @ 50 Hz
> 60 dB @ 60 Hz
Common Mode Rejection
> 120 dB @ 50/60 Hz with 1 k
Channel Bandwidth (-3dB)
8 Hz
16-bit resolution or 15-bit plus sign
Data Format
16-bit signed integer (natural binary)
Backplane Current (mA) at 5V
110 mA
Backplane Current (mA) at 24V
85 mA
Isolation Voltage
Tested at 1000V ac for 60 s
Motion Control
Stepper Control Module
The 1746-HSTP1 is a single-axis stepper controller capable of providing up to 250
kHz pulse train output for micro-stepping applications. The module can interface
directly with a quadrature encoder to monitor position. Built-in loop back diagnostics
provide monitoring of pulse train commands. Programmable modes of operation
eliminate the need to set DIP switches.
Stepper Control Module Specifications
Cat. No.
Backplane Current (mA) at 5V
200 mA
5V dc differential encoder, or
12/24V dc single-ended auxiliary
Input Frequency, Max.
250 kHz
Digital output for translator
Module Update Time
4 ms
Pulse Train Switching
7…30 mA @ 5V dc
2…2500 pulses per second
Trapezoidal velocity profile
AoteWell International.inc
Tel: +852-6563-2160