Publication 1747-SG001D-EN-P — January 2009
Windows-compatible BASIC Module Interface
Software (1747-WINBAS)
BASIC Software is a terminal emulation program specifically written for you to
interface to a Rockwell Automation 1746-BAS, 1746-BAS-T, or 1771-DB BASIC
module. BASIC software simplifies the uploading and downloading of BASIC module
programs, as well as backing up and restoring complete module images. BASIC
software also provides debugging tools to aid in troubleshooting BASIC programs
while online.
As a terminal emulation program, BASIC software requires either one RS-232 serial
COM port or a DH-485 interface (1784-PCMK, 1784-PKTX, 1784-PKTXD, or 1747-UIC
converter) be available on the personal computers. Bridging to the DH-485 network
from other networks is not supported.
BASIC software works on personal computers with Windows 98, 2000, NT, and XP
operating systems. RSLinx Classic OEM software must be installed on the personal
computer to communicate to the 1746-BAS module via the DH-485 interface.
BASIC Development Software (1747-PBASE)
BASIC Development Software, an optional DOS-based software package, provides a
structured and efficient means to create and debug BASIC programs. It uses the
personal computer to facilitate editing, compiling, uploading, and downloading of
BASIC programs. The PC requires 640 Kbytes of RAM, a fixed disk drive with 2 Mbytes
of free disk space, and DOS version 3.1 or later.
Bulletin 1492
Wiring Options
Wiring systems consist of interface modules (IFM) and pre-wired cables that replace
the terminal blocks and up to 50% of the point-to-point wiring between the SLC 500
and field devices. Pre-wired cables connect directly to the IFM and have the
Removable Terminal Blocks (RTBs) of most 24V ac/dc and 120V ac 16- and 32-
channel 1746 discrete I/O modules. The IFMs allow you to conveniently incorporate
1, 2, or 3 wiring terminals per I/O point, field-side voltage indicating LEDs, and/or
output fuse protection. I/O module-ready cables, with a pre-wired 1746 RTB on one
end and free conductors on the other, are also available for use with standard
terminal blocks.
For the most up-to-date listing of IFMs and pre-wired cables, see
AoteWell International.inc
Tel: +852-6563-2160