Bushing Installation
B u s h i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n
Apply a light layer of grease to the outside of the new eyelet bushing.
Apply a light layer of grease to the outside of the new eyelet bushing.
The bushing installation procedure is the same for the standard shaft
The bushing installation procedure is the same for the standard shaft
eyelet and damper body eyelets.
eyelet and damper body eyelets.
Position the new bushing onto the bushing installation push pin.
Position the new bushing onto the bushing installation push pin.
Insert the threaded rod through the shaft eyelet until the bushing rests
Insert the threaded rod through the shaft eyelet until the bushing rests
against the eyelet.
against the eyelet.
Thread the large, open end of the catcher onto the rod until it rests on
Thread the large, open end of the catcher onto the rod until it rests on
the eyelet.
the eyelet.
Hold the catcher secure with a 13 mm wrench.
Hold the catcher secure with a 13 mm wrench.
Use a second 13 mm wrench to thread the push pin along the rod until
Use a second 13 mm wrench to thread the push pin along the rod until
the push pin pushes the eyelet bushing into the eyelet. Stop when the
the push pin pushes the eyelet bushing into the eyelet. Stop when the
bushing is centered in the eyelet.
bushing is centered in the eyelet.
13 mm
13 mm