RS-Ruby Plus User Manual
Appendix D RS-Ruby Plus
This appendix explains how to use ROS or ROS2 to acquire and visualize your
RS-Ruby Plus data.
D.1 Install Software
1. Download and install Ubunutu 16.04 or Ubuntu18.04 operating system. (ROS2 users are
imperative to use the Ubuntu 18.04 system)
2. ROS users: Install and test the basic functions of ROS Kinetic according to the link
(http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation ). (For Ubuntu 18.04 users, please install ROS-melodic)
ROS2 users: Install and test the basic functions of ROS2 Eloquent according to the link
3. Download and install libpcap-dev.
D.2 Download & Compile RoboSense LiDAR Driver Package
You can get the latest LiDAR driver package from
https://github.com/RoboSense-LiDAR/rslidar_sdk , or contact our technical support to get it.
After downloading, please read the
file in the driver package carefully, which describes
in detail how to compile and use the LiDAR driver package.
rslidar_sdk is our LiDAR driver package, which has included drivers for many RoBosense
mechanical LiDAR sensors. Three compilation modes are supported:
1. Direct Compilation
The user enters the main directory of the rslidar_sdk driver package and creates a build folder to
compile and run.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make
2. Compilation in ROS
Create ros working directory:
cd ~
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
Copy the rslidar_sdk driver package to the ROS working directory ~/catkin_ws/src. Open the
CMakeLists.txt file in the rslidar_sdk driver package, and change the set (COMPILE_METHOD
ORIGINAL) at the top of the file to set (COMPILE_METHOD CATKIN). At the same time, rename
the package_ros1.xml file in the driver package to package.xml.