RS-Ruby Plus User Manual
Figure 4-5 Timestamp schematic diagram
Red Box
Header ID
Yellow Box
Second Bits
Blue Box
Microsecond Bits
The timestamps are divided into second bits and microsecond bits.The second bits shown in Figure 4-5 is
0x0000623d93e6 (1648202726); the microsecond bits is 0x00015ad5 (88789);
The seconds part is a UTC timestamp, represents the second increment count from 0:00 on January 1, 1970
(London time) to the current time. Figure 4-5 indicates London time 2022-03-25 10:05:26
The maximum value of the microsecond part is 0xF423F (999999), its maximum value plus 1 after the
microsecond back to zero and the second into 1. Figure 4-5 shows 88,789 microseconds;
If the system library <time.h>,time.gmtime (&t) function Included, you can convert the timestamp to
London time.