Pro-Master Manual
PC Software
Meaning of computed motor data
In the table under the graphical display, the first row depicts the individual values at maximum power
(MaxPow). In our example the maximum power (Power) is 215.8 watts, the RPM at maximum
power is 16.981, the torque is 121.6 Nmm, the efficiency is 67.5%, the motor current is 65.6
amperes, the motor voltage is 4.9 volts, and the time to reach maximum power is 0.50 seconds. The
next row shows the maximum efficiency with its corresponding values; in our example the maximum
efficiency is 77.6%. The row "MaxRPM" displays the maximum RPM with its corresponding values.
The last row in the table, "Average", shows the average values for power and efficiency; the average
power in our example is 147.8 watts and the average efficiency is 58.6%.
Maximum power is achieved at a certain RPM, while average power is a specification of the motor
that covers its complete RPM range.
To the right of the table with the maximum values there are some auxiliary data. The first row
indicates the battery simulation voltage of the test run. (Note that comparing different sets of motor
data only makes sense at the same simulation voltage.) The RPM value of 36.448 RPM is the
computed idle RPM of the motor without the load of the flywheel. "Torque" and "Current" reflect
the starting torque and the starting current or short-circuit current of the motor. "EMF" is a motor
constant with the unit millivolts per thousand revolutions. "Resist" is the internal resistance of the
motor (resistance of the windings and brushes); this allows identification of a motor winding.
"Friction" reflects the static friction in Nmm and the dynamic friction in Newton millimeter per
thousand revolutions; this friction results from the motor's bearing friction and the friction of the
brushes. The final row specifies the motor name, the winding, the date and the time of the motor
check. The values for EMF, Resistance and Friction are computed only if the program settings item
"Measure Auxiliary Data" was set to "Yes" (see page 28).
Pressing the control key [Ctrl] simultaneously with the key [D] allows you to toggle the display of
this auxiliary information. This also toggles the display of entered data such as brushes, springs,
timing or a remark.