Prior to performing any test the following information is required.
The class of equipment to be tested, see Table 1;
Table 1
Typical Appliances
1 (Normal)
Electric heaters, Fans, kitchen appliances, kettles etc.
1 (Business)
Business machines - Fax machines, printers, personal computers etc.
Double insulated appliances - Power tools, table lamps etc.
Business equipment usually contains electronic components and are therefore are susceptible to damage
from high current and voltage. For this reason the Earth Bond tests are carried out using the 100mA test
Fuse Continuity tests are valid for the more common conventional electrical equipment, but certain
appliances contain circuitry that is unlikely to give a positive reading eg; High input impedance of solid
state devices etc. Examples of the type of equipment which would indicate a failed test, even when the
equipment fuse is good are:
Personal computers
Monitors (VDU)
Fax machines
Motor driven hand tools with electronic control.
Before commencing any testing the user is strongly advised to make reference to the Electricity at Work
Regulations 1989 and any relevant publications from the Health and Safety Executive. It is important that
the user fully understands the various tests required and how they should be performed.The user should
also make reference to the Code of Practice for In Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment,
which is available from the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Robin Electronics also produce a useful video
guide to PAT testing. (Robin model RV20)
If during any operational actions further information on the test or action is required, pressing the HELP
control key will display a number of hints to assist in the correct operational procedure.
Visual Check
1 Check state of flex, ie. No cuts, cracks or any physical damage to the outer insulation layer.
2 Check state of the plug, cable securely attached, no signs of overheating and that the
correct value of fuse is fitted.
3 Check the equipment to be tested for any signs of damage, and that any mains or control switches will
physically switch on and off.
4 Check any sockets for signs of overheating or physical damage.
Auto testing
The list of tests pre-programmed into the SmartPAT 5500 are given in table 2 together with the limits and
time duration of each phase of the test.
The procedure to carry out an autotest is detailed after table 2, with a example of the type of display and
actions required to perform the tests.
SmartPAT 5500
7681 - 5500 PAT Manual 2002 7/26/02 11:14 AM Page 14