Continue for as many single events as required. Review previous readings using the
RECALL function by pressing (D). Reset to all zeros by pressing (A) while timing has
been stopped.
• After one (1) hour, the chrono will display running time in tenths (1/10) of seconds.
• TIME OUT (pause) TIMING: You may stop and restart timing at any time without loss
of previously recorded data.
• RECALL readings will appear in descending order, i.e. 99, 98 … 3, 2, 1.
• Over 100 readings, the lap counter will convert to “00” and begin accumulating:
101=”01”, 102=”02”, etc.
• RECALL function is available for up to the first 99 readings, as well as the final
reading taken.
You cannot enter or operate the TARGET CHRONO unless the chronograph is
stopped or reset. If the chrono is running, press (B) to stop and (A) to reset. You
may now use the TARGET CHRONO.
From Normal time, press (C) three times to enter TARGET CHRONO mode. The
“TARGET” symbol will appear in the bottom row.
Lap Counter
Target Tine Indicators
Lap/Split Actual Time
Time Difference Versus
Target Time
Use the TARGET CHRONO mode as a means to evaluate your training progress by
comparing your desired time goals versus your actual performance.
For example, your goal might be to complete a five (5) kilometer road race in 25 minutes.
This, if running at a constant speed, would require each kilometer to be finished in about
five (5) minutes.
Use the TARGET CHRONO by pre-setting the time goal for each reading. In this case,
each kilometer reading should occur five minutes apart so the TARGET TIME is set for
approximately five (5) minutes.