the faders is used to select which bank of 8 channels is currently active. The LED to the left of the faders shows
the current bank. The channel numbers controlled by the faders are printed to the left of each fader. For example
the first fader can control channels 1, 9, 17 or 25 depending on which bank is selected. If a fixture has less than
32 channels then some banks and some faders will not be used. Before the channel faders can control a fixture,
that fixture must be selected. Any number of fixtures can be controlled at once. If for example all fixtures are
enabled, moving fader 1 with bank 1 selected will change channel 1 on every fixture.
If you are using the “multi fixture” feature of DMX Control 1024, the channel faders can be used to control each
channel of every fixture within the multi fixture group. If for example you have programmed 8 fixtures having 4
channels each, faders 1-4 will control the first fixture of the multi fixture group, faders 5-8 the second and so on.
The bank switch selects the current bank of channels controlled by the 8 faders. This allows you to control up to
32 channels per fixture (or 32 scenes when in scene master mode) using only 8 faders. The bank LED next to the
faders will show the currently selected bank and the numbers printed next to each fader show the channel number
or scene number of the fader for the selected bank. As a convenience the bank select will only go as high as
needed for the size of the currently selected fixtures.
The joystick controls pan and tilt on all selected fixtures that have a pan or tilt feature. The joystick is the “return
to center” type so it operates by moving it in the desired direction. The greater the joystick movement the faster
the pan or tilt movement will be. The state of the “fine” mode switch also determines the speed of the pan or tilt
movement. If a fixture uses two channels for pan or tilt (16 bit), the joystick will affect the fine channel with “fine”
mode on. If the fixture only uses 1 channel for pan or tilt, the movement will be slower allowing more precise
control with “fine” mode on.
The “fine” switch affects the way the joystick and the data wheels operate. With “fine” mode on, they will increment
or decrement by the smallest possible amount. With “fine” mode off, they will increment or decrement by larger
amounts. If a fixture profile is installed for a selected fixture, selecting fine mode will switch the channel wheel
display to number values for channels instead of name values such as color or gobo names.
Pressing the “black” switch will stop all activity and blackout all fixtures. Depending on the type of fixture and its
capabilities, black will only turn off the channel that controls the output of the lamp but for some types of fixtures
will set all channels to 0. The “black” LED will remain on to indicate that a blackout was called. Pressing the
“black” switch a second time will turn the LED off and restore the blacked out channels to their previous settings.
Clear All Function:
Pressing and holding the “black” switch for 2 seconds will force all DMX channels to 0 and
clear the scene buffer. This function is useful when programming new scenes. You can also select a starting or
“home” scene that will be called whenever you use this function. Refer to the menu section of this manual under
“Select Home Scene” for instructions on how to select the home scene. You can use any scene that you have
already saved as the home scene.
A “scene” is a recording of the state of the entire stage. DMX Control 1024keeps track of all the actions you
perform to make the stage appear as it does. All of the actions that affect the look of the stage such as changing
channel levels, calling a chase or calling a preset, are saved in the scene buffer so that you can later record these
actions as a scene. This method of programming also allows you to recall a recorded scene, modify it and then
resave it as a new scene or resave it to the same location allowing quick edits.
Once you have a look on stage that you want to save as a scene, press “record”, its LED will flash. Next press
“scene”, its LED will also flash. The page display will light and any number locations that already contain scenes
will also light. You can at this time enter a name for the scene as well as a crossfade time. Use the cursor
switches to move the cursor under each character of the name, then use the + or - switch or data wheel #1 or #2
to modify the name characters. You can also use an external keyboard to enter the scene name. Move the cursor