Rhein-Nadel Automation GmbH
VT-BA-ESK2002_EN-2020 / 06.05.2020 SJ
Note on start-up
Make sure that following points are checked prior to making connection to power supply and switching on
the controller:
Is the controller casing properly closed with all screws tightened?
Are all plug hooks engaged / firmly screwed in place?
Are all cables and glands in proper condition?
Is operation for the INTENDED USE made sure?
Does the supply voltage specified on the controller match the local supply system?
Does the supply frequency specified on the vibratory drive match the local supply system?
Is the correct mode set on the controller?
(See description under "Modes of Operation")
Is sufficient cooling of the controller ensured?
Is the controller mounting vibration-free?
Only if you can clearly answer all the above questions with "Yes" should the controller be put into operation.
Set the controller to minimum output before switching-on for commissioning or start-up after repairs or
replacement of controllers/vibratory drives. Then watch proper operation while the output is increased.
Modes of operation
RNA vibratory drive systems employ mechanical spring vibrators which are set to a vibrating frequency near the mains
frequency or near double mains frequency depending on weight and/or size.
This is why two modes of operation are possible:
Mode 1:
Asymmetric half-wave mode:
The vibrating drive operates at mains frequency.
Mode 2:
Symmetric full-wave mode:
The vibrating drive operates at double mains frequency.
To assist the operator the cable glands on the drive connector are colour-coded.
Mode 1:
Mode 2:
In terms of the vibrating frequency this means:
Mains frequency 50 Hz
Mains frequency 60 Hz
Cable gland colour
Mode 1
Half-wave mode
Vibration frequency
50 Hz
3000 min
Vibration frequency
60 Hz
3600 min
Mode 2
Full-wave mode
Vibration frequency
100 Hz
6000 min
Vibration frequency
120 Hz
7200 min