Configuring the System
Managing with Hyper Terminal
Connect the switch to a PC running Windows®, then open Hyper Terminal: Start->Program->Attachment->
Make a new connection when opening Hyper Terminal. The communication port needs to connect the PC to
the switch. It must use the following configuration parameters: Bits per second: 115200, Data bits: 8, Parity:
None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None.
Connection Screen
Connection Notes
If the computer doesn’t have a serial port, you can use a USB to serial converter and the settings are the same.
Name of serial device can be chosen according to properties of hardware device.
After Hyper Terminal is connecting, if there is no response with pressing "Enter" continuously, please make sure
the cable is connected. Status indicator of CPU is blinking means the device can work normally. PING the
managed address in Hyper Terminal, if the switch is not connecting to the PC, please contact our engineers.
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Configuring the System