65-2443SS-XX PPM Hydrogen Transmitter • 9
This section describes procedures to mount the ppm hydrogen transmitter in the monitoring
environment and wire the transmitter to a controller.
Mounting the PPM Hydrogen Transmitter
Figure 3: Mounting the PPM Hydrogen Transmitter
1. Select a mounting site that is representative of the monitoring environment. Consider the
following when you select the mounting site.
Select a site where the transmitter is not likely to be bumped or disturbed. Make sure there is
sufficient room to perform start-up, maintenance, and calibration procedures.
Select a site where the target gas is likely to be found first. For hydrogen, which is lighter than
air, mount the transmitter near the ceiling or where hydrogen is most likely to accumulate.
2. At the monitoring site you select, hang or mount the junction box with the detector facing down
(see Figure 3).
3/4 NPT
.20 Dia. x .45
Slot, 2X
3/4 x 1/2 Reducing Bushing
Hydrogen Detector
7.50 MAX