Steelhead Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide
Beeping Noises
Beeping Noises
The following section describes beeping noises you might encounter in the Steelhead appliance.
The Steelhead appliance does not
come out of bypass mode when the
connection is restored.
If a Steelhead appliance does not come out of bypass mode, verify:
• That the in-path interface has an IP address. For example, at the system
prompt, enter the show interfaces CLI command.
• That in-path interception in enabled. For example, at the system prompt,
enter the show in-path CLI command. Expected results are:
Enabled: yes
Optimizations Enabled On: inpath0_0
• That the bypass service is enabled. For example, at the system prompt,
enter the show service CLI command. To enable the service if it is not
running, use the CLI command service enable.
• That the bypass card is visible to the hardware. For example, at the system
prompt, enter the show hardware CLI command.
• That you have a valid and active SH10BASE license. Your license file
should also contain entries for SH10CIFS and SH10EXCH licenses, even if
they have not been activated. For example, at the system prompt, enter the
show licenses
CLI command. For questions about licenses, contact
Riverbed Technical Support at
The power light on a Steelhead
appliance model 510, 1010, or 2010
comes on for less than one second,
and then fades.
Contact Riverbed Technical Support at because
it is possible the appliance has a defective power supply that needs to be
Beeping Noise
Possible Causes
50, 100, 200, 300
None expected
500, 510, 1000,
1010, 2000, 2001,
2010, 2011, CMC
Low constant beep
Suspected heat sink failure. Please contact Riverbed Technical
Support at
520, 1020, 1520,
None expected
3000, 3010, 3510,
5000, 5010
Medium, constant pitch
Power supply not plugged in or not working properly.
Suspected heat sink failure. Please contact Riverbed Technical
Support at
3000, 3010, 3510,
5000, 5010
Loud, constant pitch beep
Could indicate a fan failure when fan is not connected to the
Solution: Try rebooting the system. If this fails to correct the
problem, check the reported temperature and visually check the
fan to ensure there it is working. If the problem persists, please
contact Riverbed Technical Support at