Models WM1200, WM600, WM96, WM90, WM54 & WM54D
WaterMaster Fountain Installation Instructions
WaterMaster fountains are designed to allow for constant flow installation and use; however, if you choose not to
constant flow, you may need to use supplemental heat. Please see Supplemental Heat in the Special Situations
section of this manual, page 5 for specific recommendations.
- Putting the fountain in a location that offers protection from the wind will enhance the
performance of the fountain. Livestock will tend to gather in this protected area, enticing them to drink more. If
possible, the side that supply line enters the fountain should be opposite of prevailing winter wind to give
additional protection to the supply line.
Water Supply Line –
The horizontal underground water line (#1) should be sized to account for pressure
drop, relating to distance, at least 3/4” (1” recommended) in diameter and 1’ below normal frost depth. A 3/4” (1”
recommended) vertical supply pipe (#2) is recommended for WaterMaster units. A shut-off valve (#3) may be
installed under the fountain for easier servicing. For optimum serviceability a stop and waste valve can be
installed below frost level to drain water back when unit is not in use. A shutoff valve or stop and waste valve can
be obtained from your local plumber. Flush water supply line thoroughly before connecting to fountain.
WaterMaster Series Instruction Manual
31 August, 2019