3.7 Load Setup Detaults
This item loads the system values you have pereviously saved.
Choose this item and the following message appears:
"Load SETUP Defaults (Y/N)? N"
To use the SETUP defaults, change the prompt to "Y" and press <Enter>.
This item is recommended if you need to reset the system setup.
3.8 Supervisor Password
Base on the setting you made in the "security Option" of the "BIOS FEATURES
SETUP", This Main Menu item lets you configure the system so that a password
is required every time the system boots or an attempt is made to enter the
Setup program. Change the password as follows:
1. Choose "SUPERVISOR PASSWORD " in the Main Menu and Press <Enter>.
The following message appears:
"Enter Password:"
2. Enter a password and press <Enter>.
(If you do not wish to use the password function, you can just press <Enter> and
a "Password disabled" message appears.)
3. After you enter your password, the following message appears prompting you
to confirm the new passward:
"Confirm Password"
4. Re-enter your password and then Press <ESC> to exit to the Main Menu.
5. You have the right to change any changeable settings in the "COMS SETUP
Important :
If you forget or lose the password, the only way to access
the system is to set jumper JP38 to clear the CMOS RAM.
all setup information is lost and you must run the BIOS